Lego to make bricks from renewable plastic

Originally published at: Lego to make bricks from renewable plastic - Boing Boing


Bricks generally don’t go in the landfill like packaging. Im not sure i care about the origin of the material of the bricks. I do care about the packaging. I hate all the clear plastic bags.


I’m all for them trying to find a better plastic. But they are kinda painted into a corner because 1) any new plastic has to replicate the properties and fit with the existing bricks and 2) be stable and last for 50+ years.

I know there are certain colors, like some old browns, which turned very brittle as they aged.

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Given how eye-wateringly expensive even a small LEGO kit can be, they can most definitely afford to pay slightly more input costs.

I have a large tote in my garage full of LEGO now that my kids don’t play with it anymore. Pound for pound the most expensive tote out there.

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