"Leopards ate my face" subreddit bans posts about coronavirus scoffers who later die of it

“People dying from their decisions isn’t justice, karmic, or funny.”

Totally disagree with the above statement as well, and i’ll do you one better. Calling attention to it has VALUE. When these mouth breathing morons, spouting idiocy and ignorance literally die because of said idiocy and ignorance, it may actually have the positive effect on SOME person SOMEWHERE that previously agreed with the now deceased to rethink their posture. It’s a harsh lesson, but we’re literally dealing with life and death, real world consequences for stupidity here.

These people should be plastered all over the internet as examples of what ignorant thinking earns you.


Kind of like “I’ll drink to his health so I’ll have something to piss on his grave with”


IQ doesn’t work like that.

What was the IQ of Linus Pauling? If he had died from his pseudoscientific vitamin megadoses would the collective IQ of humanity have gone up?


Too many people do, even if you don’t.


I often think the scoffers are doing this as a defense mechanism - the reality is so horrifying, it’s easier to convince yourself that it’s all a big hoax. If they can’t be dissuaded from their foolishness by the thought of being horribly ill or dying, perhaps they CAN be dissuaded by the prospect of being a laughingstock?

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mocking people who thought the Republican party would hurt their enemies only to be surprised to find that it hurts them, too

Does it hurt the mockers? It kind of sounds like it hurts the mockers.

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I have sympathy for anyone who is harmed - fatally or not - by this pathogen. Many of us reading this thread will know someone who has been sick, and even if a ‘mild’ case it’s no picnic.

But if the following quote comes to mind when reading of some idiot who first doubles down on “hur dur it’s just the 'flu” on (anti)social media, risking other gullible people’s lives, then ends up checking out by the same cause - don’t be too harsh on an all too human schadenfreude reaction:

"“Tragedy is when I stub my toe. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die.”

― Mel Brooks"


“People dying from their decisions isn’t justice, karmic, or funny.”

I also disagree - witness the Darwin Awards and their sales of ? five editions of the book

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I’m not sure one can cavort with stingrays (I’m sure it wasn’t CH’s first time) and not made fun of them along the way: “See that Common Stingray wistfully gazing at the Southern Stingray? That’s sting envy!”

I’d clink a couple of lead crystal goblets together.

I have zero problem with wishing he gets coronavirus and dies.


Yeah, I don’t really understand the gentleman’s logic. You have a subreddit named leopards ate my face and then you get squeamish about these particular metaphorical leopards eating these particular metaphorical faces? Did he not want so many leopards? Did he want cuter leopards? These covid deniers are what the subreddit was born to feature. He needs to just own it, or shut down the subreddit altogether.


What bothers me is that one guy seems to have made the decision, unilaterally. It’s always bothered me that some moderators overstep the boundaries and slip into autocracy, regardless of the opinions of the users, who are just as important to the online community, and who may have as much investment in it as the moderator does. But since the relationship is fundamentally unbalanced, disgruntled users just get the option of pounding sand, because of “my way or the highway” mentalities. Eventually, the communities end up being perfect places for the sychophants, but interest and variety of opinion go out the window. I’ve seen it happen time and time again over the last three or more decades.

It takes a light touch to be a good online moderator, and not everyone has it.

So a misconception of the gentleman-u/ROBOT_OF_WORLD - is that this isn’t kharmic- kharma means action, in much of buddhism it’s not some cosmic balance sheet it’s action which results in fruit. The phrase fruits of one’s kharma are understood by many to be very much quicker & obvious than things accumulating from lifetime to supposed lifetime. These people take actions & get results, as we all are & are doing. I’ll take my guidance from the folks who study these things closely & are concerned with the well being of our society.

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