Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/15/covidiot-chuck-woolery-tries-t.html
Fucking dumbasses. They are going to kill us. I’m just sick of all these very ignorant people getting the megaphone. For FSM’s sake, give the megaphone to people who actually know what they are talking about!!!
Karma would be him getting it - not someone around him.
This just in…
Chuck “The dumbfuck” Woolery is astounded to discover that when 95% of the medical experts say the same thing it’s not just a well managed conspiracy.
I hope his son recovers fully.
I hope his knees crack in half and need replacing when this POS is begging his fictional deity that his son survives.
Yeah, if karma were something like justice. Instead it tends to be pretty indiscriminate.
Nancy Reagan: Embryonic stem cell research is bad! It’s killing babies!
Ronald Reagan: I have Alzheimer’s and stem cell research might have helped, but bye.
Nancy Reagan: Okay, maybe I changed my mind.
Karma ran over dogma etc.
You’re not actually required to be an asshole, Chuck. Hope your son is okay.
Generational or Ancestral Karma is a bitch
What, he’s not claiming a positive test is also a liberal lie? That’s not the kind of consistency expected of the turmp faithful.
Wait, did he trust the lying doctor who told his son he had the Rona? Guess he fell for the Libs’ conspiracy.
And yet a quick perusal of his shitty twitter feed (not quick enough, I regret going there) shows he’s learned absolutely nothing and continues to push corona virus conspiracy theories and make stupid (il)logical leaps that endanger everyone. What a chode.
It’s amazing what power liberals have, being able to create a virus that has actually kills so many thousands around the world. All in the end goal of just to discredit one orange buffoon.
If there was any chance in that being as true as they are trying to make it out to be, you’d expect the liberals to actually be getting some respect in their abilities to actually pull off evil plans with such aplomb.
Maybe that’s why the GOP hates liberals, because they think they make evil look so easy to do…
Fuck Chuck. He was too lazy and dishonest to take a deadly plague seriously until it slapped him upside the face.
America, these are the idiots that are going to fucking kill us all.
They deny reality, until it hits them PERSONALLY.
Then, because their brains are maggot ridden and incapable of rational thoughts, they go on to continue denying the very reality that is STILL affecting them.
Chuck Chuck Woolery off the nearest pier, maybe that jackass would be useful as a bouy in covidiot bay. What a fucking useless, dangerous asshole.
I hope his son recovers, but this dude said it best-
AND… he has already deleted his Twitter account:
And usually after.