"Let’s make it violence": Listen to The Atlantic's Kevin Williamson explain why women who have abortions should be hanged

Wait until you ask them how they feel about the death penalty!

The mental gymnastics I have heard to justify being pro-life and pro-death penalty (and they always seem to be pro-death penalty) are just astounding.

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An excellent article by Jason Rhode on the subject of Williamson. Among other tidbits he uncovered, Williamson believes his old hometown of Lubbock, Texas, one of the most severely conservative cities in America, is a hotbed of liberal wickedness.

You wouldn’t think that I’d be steeped in liberalism growing up in Lubbock, Texas … But you would be wrong. Even in those few happy places where conservatives can prevail politically, the Left owns the culture.

Everything I learn about Williamson makes me suspect his basement is full of dismembered corpses. Of course, Goldberg would probably say that just shows he’s passionate about his beliefs.


Is this surprising? The Taliban/Gilead contingent has a VP in the White House. The people who disagree with their philosophy are way too fucking polite and don’t know what they’re dealing with… most apparently want that VP to become president as they rally for impeaching the sitting president. 50% of humans should take these fuckers’ proclamations as the death threats that they are. The other 50% should take it as threats against their friends, family, and loved ones. By the time anyone treats this kind of threat seriously, how many will be dead?




points to WH

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You’re commenting on an article about a guy who thinks she should get the death penalty.


I am pro safe abortions and against the death penalty.

My question is more of a technical/logical one:
What is he on about? Hanging is more humane than using gas, poison or the electric chair. Maybe I just shouldn’t expect logic from someone who promotes human suffering.


Is it just me, or does he look like a cop who abuses steroids?


He looks like a glistening mountain of spoiled ham


The guy is a moron. When has our society changed in a way that voices like his have left the pub counters to be spread across the media that once stood for reason and progress? I mean just look at the guy. Do we really need to elevate the cancerous decadence of public opinion that has spread through the likes of Facebook and Twitter to the tribunes that were once to homes of civilized debate? Do we need to give in to that idiocy and give that fascist crap a voice?


There are a LOT of people who cite this belief, that abortion is murder, yet they carve out exceptions (such as rape) that prove their belief is less about the humanity of a fetus and more about punishing the woman for having sex.


“He looks like a glistening mountain of spoiled ham”
…had non-consensual sex with a hairy bullet.


If you chase clicks by hiring incendiary wackjobs,…Well nothing is likely to happen, really. But it SHOULD have some consequences. Because unlike say a ISP provider or web hosting company, The Atlantic has actual editors that decide what is gets put under it’s masthead. They DECIDED to give this guy a forum. I don’t think that they agree or sympathize, but they can’t just say “Well that’s his opinion, MAN.” and walk away.


I’m always being told I should get out of my bubble and listen to the other side and engage with people who disagree with me and so on, but every time I peek over the fence it’s this bullshit. Remind me why I should be doing that again?


Also, in my experience it’s the raging loon rightward side that lives in a bubble, having no idea what all those people they demonize actually think and want and say. Whereas the leftward side of the spectrum tends to have an all too good idea of what those guys are spouting.


I suppose it’s complicated by the fact that I’m far enough left that I find mainstream journalism fairly conservative. It is the differing opinion to my views. US conservative media is so far in the other direction I can’t even engage with it. I used to skim “The American Conservative” since they were a fairly level-headed publication of the paleocon bent, but they’ve got a columnist now whose mission is to be anti-trans. Why should I give clicks to a publication that hates me?


I won’t go as far as to say “should be as gruesome as possible”, but otherwise I agree. Williamson is a despicable human being, but he is only arguing that women who have abortions should be treated like any other murderer would be, which is frankly the only intellectually honest position for a person who believes abortion is murder. Saying that the state shouldn’t murder people in a way that makes it look like a medical procedure is really not the crazy part here.


Just another “I’m pro life and will kill you to prove it.” idiot with a soapbox.


Your problem is you are expecting rationality. This is not a rational belief, so there is no rational answer. Most pro-life/anti-abortion people hold the beliefs they do not because they really believe life begins at conception, but because that is the way they gaslight themselves into making their true conviction women should have no control over their bodies jive with their sense of being a decent person. Or they just never bothered to even look at it rationally. A whole lot of very religious people, regardless of the religion, refuse to apply logic to their religious beliefs.



I wrote ‘The Atlantic’ and told them in no uncertain terms I would NEVER visit their site or buy a rag if they employ this cretin. Never. Maybe they can make up those clicks by shifting their overton window even further to the right/nutcase.

It is all bullshit. RWNJs have lived in a bullshit bubble since Fox ‘News’ started blathering hate. My parents lived pretty high up on bullshit mountain.