Let's talk about the threats the people of #GamerGate face

[quote=“ghostly1, post:2, topic:44257”]
I do appreciate the dose of truth where your video’s premise pretty well outright identifies the “other side” GamerGate’s fighting against as feminists and SJW, not “people who are pro-corruption in games journalism” or whatever it is most of you usually claim because you realize that’s pretty indefensible. The lack of pretense about what you’re against is refreshing[/quote]

That’s all I ask of gamergate: be honest (with yourself and with others) about what the focus of your movement really is.

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I’m sorry to hear that there has been retaliatory actions of the same nature in the reverse direction. No one should have to face personal threats or harassment regardless of their beliefs. That is unacceptable behavior from either side.


That’s the key thing for me ghostly1.

Why are these people so reluctant to speak out further on this harsh, harsh treatment? This criminal harassment? Being driven from their homes in fear, being fired for simply standing up for what they believe in? Brave martyrs for the cause?

Surely knowing they would be the celebrated poster-children of the #that-shall-not-be-named and the perfect counter to the Quinn-Sarkeesian-Alexander-Wu-Fish-Schafer Hydra is enough?

Or, maybe, just maybe, it’s bullshit?

And if Samantha Allen is your go-to for “great harassment”, you are milquetoast.

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Perhaps 25 years will be sufficient time for Insensbastard to reach adulthood. :wink:

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there’s a Tumblr on that.
Note that none of this discourage any potential oppressed minorities from participating in politics, industries, entertainments, and just about anything other than minimum wage jobs.

Since they are (so I’m told) fighting to make people aware of more ethical journalism, #GG are, in fact, Social Justice Warriors. The terms “ethical” and “social justice” are practically synonymous.

Become what you profess to hate! Be your own oppressor! It’s great for laffs!


No wonder why Internet Aristocrat left.

Gosh, I’m getting winded chasing you from old thread to old thread. It’s like you’re shilling for GG issues, or something.

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