Let's Talk to Trump Supporters

Ask them if they think the degradation of rights for ALL Americans is worth some temporary ‘safety’ from SOME Americans.

Ooh, I’m feeling some Benjamin Franklin quotes surging towards the surface of this wave…

P.S. There has always been terrorism in America. Would you give up the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to prevent further terrorism?


This. The “Holy shit, what?!” people might be reached.

The “Its not bad because it doesnt negatively affect me.” and the “Take that, libtards” people are to be blocked, ignored, pushed out of your life, and if it comes down to it: Punched in front of cameras twice on the same day.


I have a lot of friends and family who use it, and it made it easier to stay in touch with people that I probably should have lost touch with a long time ago. I also managed a couple of business pages for some of my clients.

Yesterday, I even had one of my friends call me up and try to convince me to reactivate my account.

I also want to apologize for the grar that I displayed here yesterday. If some of you are willing to reach out to to Trump’s supporters, more power to you. You can lead the way.


Are they happy that the ACA is gone? Just from a statistical standpoint, it’s likely to have either screwed them over, or someone close to them, now that the ACA is gone.


That’s revisionist history.

Remember that time Obama wanted to improve American healthcare using republican policies that were tested by republicans in republican dominated states? Then the republicans decided they’d rather shut down the government than agree with a black man?

Obama did shit too.

He’d have a great legacy on the merits of what he actually did accomplish as recorded now if the conservatives weren’t so racist.


Obama tried too hard to compromise with the Republicans. He kept the Bush tax cuts, and he compromised a lot on the ACA. Even compromising a little would be trying too hard. He should have gone with the shock and awe approach that Trump is using. He should have made his supporters like him more, his opponents hate him more, and if it came to that, been the best damn one term president in history.

Currently, the Democrats are rolling over and confirming Trump’s nominees. They should make it their business to oppose literally everything Trump does, no exceptions. Even if he wants to make Bernie Sanders secretary of state and appoint Hillary Clinton to the supreme court, it doesn’t matter, they need to oppose him until he resigns in disgrace.


This is the best I can think of, but Trump supporters nearly universally see themselves as “victims” of something that literally doesn’t exist. Even if you did manage to completely decimate their arguments, they are going to either say you are attacking them personally or go silent and retreat into their pro-Trump safe spaces.

The only thing that I have heard work for a real Trump supporter was spending time at a protest where they were alone and got to talk to the other people at the protest. It also helped that they planned to go with friends and their friends bailed leaving them alone.

I see people in that group as profoundly lonely, and who reached out to online communities who made them uncomfortable at first but then they got convinced it was the others that were wrong.


To be blunt? No. Never a blank cheque ‘no.’ Not after seeing eight years of a congress and party that vowed to do exactly that get power by preventing anything from being done, blaming the people that couldn’t get past them, and even people on the opposite side of politics buy their lie that Obama was a do nothing.

To say ‘Never without exceptions’ to me says that you would be willing to shut down government, to hold this nation at economic gunpoint,to obstruct because it suits your desire…


You look at each and every issue. You offer a measured response. And if the proper response is to go ‘no you move.’ Then and only then do you become the rock.

Flow like water. Flow around and through, and when blocked wait. Be patient knowing that the longer you are blocked the more pressure builds until the dam busts and then no rock shall stand in your way.

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You got to make then question their own believes, that’s what Socrates did. . .

On Muslims, ask them, how many have they seen and do they live near by ? Naturally the answers are Few/None & “around”/Idk , this ‘should’ reduce the fear

On Hispanics, ask them, Did you know NAFTA is reducing immigration ? (This one will take some work, show them the PEW research data) this way it supports NAFTA at the same time & Which jobs are they taking ? Low paying labor intensive is the answer

On the Wall, Do you know how much it will cost ? Do you really think a foreign government will pay for a project in another country ? If Mexico build a wall would you want to pay for it ? The GOP leads already said they won’t go along with it so this one doesn’t matter that much

On Econ, Do you know what a tariff is ? Do you know how a tariff raises prices ?

I think you get the idea, if they are ignorant on the subject remind them that they are and then go forth telling them the information they need


While ideologically inclined toward deregulation, many of Trump’s supporters are nonetheless anti-bank:


I see where you’re coming from, even if i don’t agree.

Keep in mind that Obama compromised with the same people who would support Trump’s rise to power, who then turned around and called Obama a do nothing after they opposed him at every turn. I don’t think he was a do nothing, just that his compromising hurt him in the long run, and does him no favors except maybe reelection. If he did the Trump shock and awe, he could have gotten more accomplished and made his supporters like him more. He would have alienated his opponents, but fuck them. They were never going to like him anyway.

Opposition to Trump is not contrarian opposition like the opposition to Obama. If we prevent him from accomplishing anything, anything at all, all the better. He can’t do anything for this country except strip it for parts. I would rather Trump was a complete literal do nothing than if he accomplished anything at all. It’s not the opposition to a black man because he’s black that we’ve seen earlier, it’s opposition to the most dangerous fucking idiot that ever existed because literally nothing good can come out of a Trump presidency.


Pretty much this.

Opposition to Obama purposely put the government at the edge of shut down more than once lowered the country’s credit rating. Obama was able to get a lot done considering, and most of the expansions of executive power was because congress is off the rails (notice their 17% approval rating still let them keep their seats non-voters).

Opposition to Trump is to maintain the status quo as much as possible, undo openly racist and fascist policy, and try and get something bipartisan accomplished when the GOP realizes their job is threatened.

One is resisting Obama and Obama alone, while the resistance to Trump is almost entirely about resisting the enabling GOP congress.


Good point.

I also need to mention that Mitch McConnell, who was personally responsible for much of the resistance to Obama, and who said his goal was to make Obama a one term president, is now in the aww can’t we all be friends camp. It’s a bit late for that now. He can’t expect zero pushback considering what he did just a couple months ago.


This is absolutely necessary but I have no idea how to do it without getting angry and frustrated. But that’s also why we need to talk about how to talk about it.

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Was i not clear earlier? Push back is fine. Oppose policy that needs opposing. It is blind ‘we must obstruct everything’ I do not want to be part of. The wall? Muslim discrimination? Lgbt discrimination? River dumping? I’m going to oppose that out the gate, but I want to give these fucks a chance to realize they need to reach out to make nice if they want help before slapping them down.


That sucks. I’m sorry that you have to live with that sort of abuse and bullying.

I do think that figuring out coping strategies for people who can’t “walk away” from Trump supporters is important. I’ll certainly brainstorm and try to come back with some ideas in the next few days.


I think that @ChickieD is asking for strategies for stuff like that. Do you have any ideas?


Makes sense. The result will be the same no matter what. Trump will not be able to play nice at all, so a conditional no and blanket no will have the sane effect.


Granted, that’s almost always the case, but I don’t think it’s in anyone’s interest to oppose something like the infrastructure bill. Democrats will want to put their own stamp on it and win compromises wherever possible, but it would be suicidal to obstruct something that has broad bipartisan support and would actually help the country.