Letter from a Chinese forced-labor camp found in Kmart Hallowe'en decorations

You’re in England now, bonny lad, you ought to be using turnips…
(well, swedes actually, but we call 'em turnips. Go figure)

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Really? Turnips? They’d make excellent little trolls, especially being underground thingies and all.

I’d have to fence them in, make sure they don’t get on the lappie and start using my BBS account.

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Her’s just the first article to come up when I searched “private+prison+labor+US”. Seems like a decent enough jumping off point.

One could argue that being present in a prison simply because a massive prison guard union funded the election of a “tough on crime” politician to put more people in their jails so that they’d make more money constitutes a form of forced labor. In other words, their presence in jail is profiting a private company exactly as if they were producing halloween doodads. Its just so irrational and crazy that its hard to even see it.


I guess being full of alcohol isn’t really a substitute for love.


Perhaps Ratel can use the wholly unnecessary apostrophe BB insists on worming into “Hallowe’en”

BoingBoing’s really leveled up in pretentiousness with their spelling of “Hallowe’en.” Congrats, y’all.

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You mean ‘correct spelling of’? Hello, and welcome to boingboing! How do you feel about the phrase ‘Laughable Bumblefuck’? Just askin’.


Pretensiousness. Like Prehensileneless.

Sorry, Goddess of Wicca. Do you say Spain, or pronounce it “Ethpanya?”

Thanks for the welcome, I’ve been subscribing for a while but I’m not really into commenting…I love boingboing because I get to read about stories several days after the rest of the internet has reported on them, Dr. Who based Kickstarters, and SO MUCH Steampunk! It’s a fun site for some people, and I’m glad I don’t know those people.

Ooooh, harsh.

BB seems to be quietly filling up with masochists these days. I feel your pain.


Someone needs to show this to Canadian Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau, who has been advocating for China’s dictatorial form of government.

I think you mean Doctor Who rather than Dr. Who.


It really is getting pathetically transparent now, isn’t it?

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Did you mean to say “gubernatorial form of dictatorship”?

Are you talking about the guy who does Doonesbury?

OOh! I found this on my desk when you left - is it yours?


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That’s Garry Trudeau. Justin Trudeau is the actual leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. He’s the son of Pierre Trudeau, who was the Prime Minister of Canada in the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. The Conservative Party is trying to find something to smear Justin with since he’s a threat in the next election. Apparently they’ve decided to go with “Chinese dictator” rather than “You can see his mom’s beaver”.

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Yeah, I know … what’s happened to Canadian politics? It’s awful messy!