Light turnout for Trump inauguration

Seriously, let up on the trolling, after all we all know Hillz did everything that was expected and necessary to win:

  • She slept in her own bed every night on the campaign trail, instead of staying out in the heartland to campaign day in and day out, blocking and tackling and playing to win. I believe they call that retail politics. HRC was terrible at this, in large part because she came across as inauthentic (probably because she was).

  • She focused on the wrong states, despite grassroots activists raising the alarm bells, early and often, in Wisconsin and Michigan. The party insiders in Brooklyn and DC knew how to win and their gameplan didn’t involve retail politicking or grassroots. But this is what’s expected, right?

  • She never visited Wisconsin during the general campaign, because her echo chamber of sycophants and a big data wreck they named Ada told the whole mess of them that all was well in the Badger State, despite many locals on the ground vocally stating exactly the opposite. Garbage In, Garbage Out.

  • She farmed out campaign dirty work to the likes of inveterate political scumbag David Brock, who brought out the sock puppets, astroturfing and general forum noise and social media cacophony that only added to the echo chamber, but probably lined the pockets of Brock rather nicely. If it had any real effect on the election, it was to turn more people off and decrease turnout in November.

  • Oh yeah, she blew through a billion dollars in campaign funding with nothing to show for it.

There is little doubt that Trump is an unmitigated disaster . . .

. . . but I will hit the streets when millions of people are protesting the way Hillary and the DNC got us into this mess by ignoring the groundswell of populist sentiment against globalism and neoliberalism building up to this election, colluding against a legitimate progressive with a winnable grassroots campaign, and then elevating a terrible candidate surrounded by an echo chamber of captured party hacks into the candidacy.

The Democratic Party are as much what brought on this mess as Trump and the Republicans, perhaps more. This disaster will continue beyond four years if the opposition party doesn’t get its act together AND SOON!


My new favourite is ‘Mandarin Mugabe’.


2009 vs 1/20/2017 (from the post)

And the Women’s March, 1/21/17:



You’re right. I was trolled (deliberately or not) by remarks that Hillary “played by the rules”. I should not have responded. How she campaigned is now more or less irrelevant. The best use of our time and efforts will be to watch closely what the new administration does, and react appropriately. My wife had a meeting last night to work on strategies to help planned parenthood.


This is going to be so exhausting. Trump has no shame, so he’ll keep pulling this shit. And if he isn’t called out every time, then we’ll just get used to it. Exhausting.


Saw several of these at the march yesterday.


If someone from the Obama administration said this there would be a scene of pitchfork wielding townsfolk marching on Washington.


I enjoy the hashtag

Also video


I’ll raise a Molotov mocktail* to that!

*Made with a sugar glass bottle, orange tempera paint, and a rag with a message in permanent marker sticking out of the top that says ‘TESTING’.


[citation needed]


What else do you think The Apprentice was based around, if not being an event carefully designed to make the Short Fingered Vulgarian look good?


His cake was a lie!


Well. . . what I’m really doing there is trying to find a sneaky way to address Trumpkins and get them to listen.

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I love the fact that the bakery that made the imitation both acknowledges the inspiration (in fact: “… we [were] asked to replicate …”) and donated all profits to the charity Human Rights campaign.


It’s easy. Don’t use words that have more than one or two syllables. Include “huge” and “lock her up.” And make lots of promises you never hope to keep.


I just came across a wonderful reply to Mr. Morgan’s tweet:

ETA: Also:


Yeah, actually, it is. Dude is a nasty d-bag, but condoning physical violence against people we don’t like is the kind of crap that will turn back on us ten fold.


I’ve gotten a bit of flak for saying exactly this. I think a lot of people want to be Indiana Jones and are relishing the opportunity to actually punch literal Nazis, especially one who has openly discussed ways to ‘dispose of black people like garbage’.


@nungesser, which for better or for worse, I find completely understandable and even defendable. The guy is an advocate for white supremacy and ethnic cleansing. Given the massive pile of corpses associated with those ideologies, I’m okay with Richard Spencer getting the occasional black eye. If that makes me a bad person and part of the problem… well, so be it, I suppose.

And yes, you can say the same about Stalinism and Maoism. I’d advocating for the punching of a Stalinist, too, because much like nazism, is an anti-human world view that doesn’t belong in polite society (even if Marxism and various forms of ethno-nationalism are).