Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/24/lightning-strikes-near-statue.html
Lady Liberty is angry, I’d say
Amazing shot!
Considering that Lady Liberty is basically made of copper, I’m baffled as to why the lightning didn’t just hit the torch.
Also, good zoom lens. Based on flash to bang, that video was taken from about three miles away.
Fake. Lightning isn’t pink.
“Oh, yes! A bolt of lightning into a huge copper conductor. I thought you lived at a school?”
YOU’LL be the one completing a sentence, Grammar-Bot!
Seriously? I know there’s been a bunch of “meh” reactions to just about any video posted to BB recently, but come on. I’ve seen purple lightning.
13 seconds between the lightning strike and the sound at the end of shot, which sounds lightening-is though the microphone isn’t great. That puts it at a bit under 3 miles away. I think he is rather closer; anyone who knows the area care to guess how much closer?
And lightning strikes, maybe once, maybe twice
Oh, and it lights up the night…
Me thinks its not hitting the SoL or even something on the island, but rather something else behind it further off in the distance. Surely the photographer is within 3 miles of he island.
As someone who hasn’t been there I will never not see the UNATCO headquarters and surroundings when I see Liberty Island.
By far the best color of lightning is Black Lightning.
I’ve seen all of the colors except Green. Are the conditions that cause green lightning covered in that article?
Best explanation is that its not earthed, possibly because lightning strikes would damage the statue, so they capture the lightning near the base.
Having taken the SA ferry a few times, I’d say that’s the Liberty Golf Course (on the NJ side) far behind the SoL. That means the strike (which did not strike the statue) was at least a mile away (the NJ shore).
Shortly afterwards everyone forgot the previous two hours.
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