Originally published at: Lindsay Graham mistakes dancing for riots | Boing Boing
Feels like there’s a bigger chance for riots if he isn’t charged.
Graham’s statement is dumb as hell. So the law can’t apply to Trump because his base will get mad?
Threats of violence to achieve a political end is the very definition of terrorism.
“Musn’t upset the fascists” might as well be the motto of this pathetic moocher.
Also, his inability to distinguish between dancing and violent rioting helps explain in part why he’s stuck with (or has come to prefer) furtive rentboy encounters instead of enjoying the nightclub pickup scene.
I feel guilty for even thinking this, but a rash of armed militia groups shooting up FBI, INS, etc. offices with body counts that just start at school-shooting numbers and go up from there?
Sure, Fox wouldn’t cover it until they figure out a spin. It would still have millions realizing that this might just be important.
Lindsey Graham negotiates with terrorists.
Which means that he’s talking to himself.
I mean, some number of Trump supporters will likely try to do something violent but that hardly seems like a good reason to allow a criminal who jeopardized national security to escape responsibility for his actions.
But if it does come to action in the streets then a Dance Dance Revolution is arguably the funnest kind of Revolution.
Graham’s always been an asshole, but now he’s a wholly owned subsidiary of the trump brand. Why he hasn’t deleted this tweet, which displays a tether with reality, I have no idea.
“Graham’s rhetoric is driven by an extraordinarily dystopian — and factually incorrect — view of the world. In January 2014, he said, “The world is literally about to blow up.” A year later, we’re still here and Graham is still wrong. “We live in the most dangerous times imaginable,” he said in July 2013. But it requires memory, not imagination, to realize that this is not true — unless Graham believes that World War II was the global equivalent of a traffic dispute.”
I think it would be funny to see Lindsay trying to riot. He’d simply TP someone’s house.
And across the world, too, I would bet.
Not me.
I’m saving that for when You Know Who takes his Dirt Nap. If/when he lands in the Crossbar Hotel for the rest of his life, it will be a twofer.
Well, it’s proven to be true, of course. The reason he hasn’t deleted it is because he obviously didn’t intend it as a warning so much as a celebration.
So the “Law and Order party” is saying mob rule is how we should run things? Cool.
mistakes dancing for riots
When he says “riots,” he really means “stochastic terrorism” though. I mean, on the one hand, he’s not wrong, on the other hand, as everyone else has said, it’s not remotely a reason to let Trump break the law without consequences. (In fact, let’s face it - Trump not facing consequences leaves him free to whip up more stochastic terrorism, so it’s happening either way.) Also there would be dancing, of course (and a lot more of that than the other as a result).
The morning after the 2016 election, I knew Rump had won because I heard sobbing from a woman in the next building when I woke up.
When Biden won, there were cars honking their horns all day around the neighborhood and the bar down the street was packed!
I kind of think the majority of the would be rioters “shot their shot” on January 6. In any future riots, cops who saw colleagues at the Capitol beaten by the “Trump Patriots” are less likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, and more likely to give them the short end of the stick. Trump supporters, now, have more of a rational fear that the FBI will hunt them down and put them behind bars. Trump could have tried to pardon some or all of them. He’s not testifying on their behalf, or paying their legal bills. He’s not pinning medals on them. Any of them with an ounce of self-preservation see that Trump isn’t going to lift a finger to help them.
There will, absolutely, be some assholes who threaten, or who shoot a few, or a lot of people, but these days that’s just a routine Tuesday in America.