Listen to an audience react to Star Wars for the first time in 1977

I would certainly cheer for him–one of my favorites. (Riker… maybe not so much… Oh who am I kidding, I’d cheer for all of 'em. Even Wesley. (Whatever became of that guy anyway?)

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Before I answer…are you joking, or not? :slight_smile:



Lucas did the same thing to THX-1138. Took a masterpiece and fucked it up with re-editing and unneeded/harmful CGI sequences.

Guy is a menace.

Only thing I don’t understand is why Raiders of the Lost Ark hasn’t been re-edited and destroyed. But I guess Crystal Skull accomplished the same thing, destroying the franchise.

And it was his plan from the beginning to have Solo step on his tail for no reason! Because that’s always an effective bargaining tactic when you’re negotiating for your life with a violent space gangster who just sent someone to kill you that same morning.

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That was so stupid. I mean, sheesh.

If Lucas had any taste he’d use superior CGI to get rid of Jar-Jar, those dumb-ass band puppets in Return of the Jedi, and the Ewoks.

You know, this is just depressing me. I hope the new movies wash the taste of Lucas’s meddling out of my mouth.

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