Little kid works hard at jumping onto stool

I’ve seen who are soft-forced to practice the piano have similar feelings of triumph, because practice increases skills and skills are fun to have. My opinion, this looks like Tiger Mom/Dad in full swing, with a paid gym coach.
Again, not saying it’s wrong for this child - but it’s not an expression of independence by the child, and it doesn’t necessarily connect to increased automony.

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Yeah, I don’t know the story here, just addressing the use of “free range” in general. It does look like the father is coaching them.

This video actually made me think of legacy families who raise their children in the craft like The Flying Wallendas. I don’t know where the line is.

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To allow or to tell their child to do this over and over?

This may be a child who has just dreamed this up by herself, and whose dad is just offering her encouragement, but it looks awfully similar to a child whose father has dreams of Olympic glory.


Again, I don’t know the circumstances of this video. I was just expanding on the definition of “free range” as a parenting concept.

For some things. For others, like the ability to swing on the money bars for hours, their strength to body-weight ratio is significantly higher.

For other, other things, it’s kind of fun to try and figure it out:

The half-marathon world-record holder is Zersenay Tadese, who ran 21.1km in 0:58:23 for an average of 6.02 m/s. He is 54kg, making his speed-per-kilo 0.11 m/s/kg.

Apparently the world-record holder for 7-year-old boys is Jaden Merrick, who ran it in 1:43:34, for an average of 3.40 m/s. 7-year-olds of similar stature to Zersenay (5 percentile) are 18kg, according to growth charts, making his speed-per-kilo 0.19 m/s/kg. That’s 73% faster.

Obviously, there are other ways you could do the comparison (e.g. by height), but it seems at first blush that the notion that kids are stronger/faster per pound is at least plausible.

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just because the feeling of accomplishment was genuine doesn’t mean he wasn’t being forced to do this

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