… oh dear, I didn’t know what that is either
Definitely considered to be a menace in some circles…
Yes, this is precisely the subtext I was going for!
One of the big objections to the plan to put tolls on I-205 to fund expansion is the increase of rat running, which is already a problem for several cities adjacent to the proposed toll area. The streets people are cutting through to avoid traffic now are already insufficient to the task.
Here’s the one I remember:
Add that to Unicorn Chasers, STAT!
Apologies for getting off-topic but: what gets me about the Segway is that a lot of what Dean Kaman and his boosters envisioned has come true, at least in terms of the availability of small personal transportation. It’s just that the secret ingredient wasn’t the Segway, it was smartphone apps, cheap batteries, and the “abuse the legal interstices” model of startup disruption. Unfortunately this last one also means that urban planners end up aggressively hostile to building systems of support around scooter sharing, and not without good reason.
(EDIT of EDIT: Thanks to @FGD135 for moving this to a better spot!)
Maybe. But sandwiches were delivered before doorD. You had to call and the restaurant handled the delivery.
“You can’t give money to the homeless, they’ll just spend it on drugs and booze!”
“What, they didn’t? Oh no! This means that we’ll have to come up with another excuse!”
(Sucks to be in the control group.)
And it might be more efficient than the customer going out to pick up food themselves, since the delivery driver routes from pick up to customer to next pick up directly rather than out and back.
Everyone knows that those cars have always been promiscuous.
There’s always a relevant XKCD. Sometimes it just turns up a little late.