Living hybrids: AI art that captivates and unsettles

Originally published at: Living hybrids: AI art that captivates and unsettles - Boing Boing

Khajiit has wares if you have coin


So do y’all get paid to post all this “AI” crap or do you actually believe in promoting this garbage?


AI art

Water Bottle Twitch GIF by TeamOrangeGaming

No! Bad Popkin! I am sure there are real make up artists or furry artists who have done takes on human/animal hybrid images.


Yes, everything you don’t like is payola.

Popkin explained why they liked this in their post. I think it’s interesting because it demonstrates aesthetic completeless within hidden constraints. It superficially seems to be coming up the sunny side of the uncanny valley, but contextual limitations imply that it’s nowhere near good enough for the purposes AI companies are selling it on.


There is no ethical AI art.

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Okay, I still hate the concept of AI “art,” but I still must admit that did have my attention for the entire video. (Captivating? Oh my, yes! Unsettling? I’m sorry, you seem to have misspelled beautiful!)

How about if actual artists use tools like this to aid in their work (instead of the tools stealing from the artists)?

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