Look at this crowded line of people waiting for their turn to climb Mt Everest

Photos like the ones below do it for me.


I was expecting something about White Walkers…:cold_face:


What do they think is up there?

I know I know. I’ve seen these things:
Will you give a hundred bucks to help children with cancer?

How about if I do something cool that I like doing?
Oh, ok!

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I was wondering how long does one get on the summit? Should be able to work this out, back-of-the-envelopy-like…

Anyone know the area of the part called the summit? Or how many people can stand simultaneously on the summit? Wikipedia sez “size of a dinner table”, so let’s say 1.5m dia, 1.75m^2, maybe 5 people. Let’s say 4, since they’re likely wearing their woolies.

Just need to know how many tickets bought and the available time…

Wait, this isn’t /r/TheyDidTheMath…

Maybe they could just start stacking up all the frozen corpses on the summit so that every subsequent expedition would have the honor of breaking the previous one’s elevation record.


Naaahh… I’d say throwing charity into the mix just makes it an even bigger ego trip.

Each successful summit will have cost the climber a five figure sum. That’s money the climber didn’t give to the charity. So it’s a question of whether the charity would be better off just receiving the money the climber had saved up for the trip vs. receiving the money his friends and family will pledge to the charity in the climber’s name. I’d like to see a list of charity donations raised vs. total expenses for the trip. Doubt many efforts ended up with a bigger sum on the donations side.

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Human beings can be the worst.


Also, the charity only gets paid if the climber succeeds. So, if you realize you aren’t going to make it, as you succumb to the cold, your dying thought will be
I have failed. The kids won’t get their chemotherapy.

I don’t really think that’s how it works.

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I don’t deny that, but no self respecting Randroid would want to look like they were doing something for charity, unless the charity was their own personal bank account and they were the only beneficiary.

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“I’m climbing for the Dave Foundation!”

“Oh, grea…wait, isn’t your name Dave?”


Are those iso-propane tanks? Good thing the boiling point is so low up there, because unless they hold them in their armpits for an hour to warm them, those tanks aren’t going to work very well.

From the lineup: “Are we there yet? I have to pee!”


Nepal is charging 381 people $11,000 each to climb.
This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the principle of inelastic demand.
Just raise the price by 400%, cut the number of licenses by 50%.
Take in twice the money, with half the deaths.

Alternatively, make all climbers take out temporary wills in the event of a death on the mountain, payable to the state of Nepal. Increase the number of licenses by 1000%, give performance bonuses to incompetent sherpas (only), and base the entire economy of Nepal on the steady supply of decedents.


A marketing solution to a market problem. Excellent!

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