Originally published at: Look at this weirdo pig-faced shark found in the Mediterranean Sea | Boing Boing
He died because of the lack of oink-ment.
Able was I ere I saw Elba
Pig-faced shark, pig-faced shark, pig-faced shark…
rinse, lather, repeat…
Look at this weirdo adorable pig-faced shark found in the Mediterranean Sea…
We’re all lovable in our own unique way…
It’s an angular roughshark
Actually, sharks are smooth.
“Look around at the world! Clearly there was an intelligent creator!”
Optional tagline:
“Ugh. Mondays. amiright?”
mmm… the bacon of the sea.
I’ve spoken to representatives of the shark who would like to relay a message to Mr. David Pescovitz:
“The shark already has self esteem issues, and would like to offer a sincere Fuck You to Mr. Pescovitz. Furthermore, the shark’s mother believes that it is beautiful in it’s own way, and thinks Mr. Pescovitz is a weird grubby looking pink hairless mammal. That is all.”
Pig-faced shark is the new blobfish.
now I want a “pig shark” plush toy!
“I will hug him and pet him and call him George!”
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