Originally published at: Los Angeles is home to "Dancing Jesus Guy" - Boing Boing
From Jennifer Sandlin…
I was a little disappointed he didn’t look like this…
Also, I do love local people who make the streets more interesting… We have this happy mutant… Bob has been doing his thing for years on the streets of the ATL…I’m always happy to see him!
“he also makes multiple backups”
In which case can we go back and restore one from pre 2016, please? (Or even, pre-Reagan and Thatcher.)
Jesus saves, but St. John scores from the rebound.
- The original graffiti from 1960s Liverpool.
“Jesus Saves” or “Jesus Suaves” ?
Ah Jesus… now we need a cover of Rico Suave, but it’s Jesus Suave…
“Jesus saves, Moses invests… but only Buddha pays dividends” was the version when I was growing up in Topeka.
I mean, I guess I’m focusing on the wrong stuff here but…is anyone else thinking this guy really should have used the S in Jesus as the first S in Saves and not doubled up on the S’s on his sign?
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