Originally published at: What if people danced instead of walked? | Boing Boing
Some people do! Driving home from work last summer, stuck in traffic, tired, and just kind of wrung out, I came upon a gentleman just dancing his way down the sidewalk. For block after block, just him and his bad self. As he passed each car, you could see everyone perk up and just get happier. It was a wonderful thing.
I’ve lived some places where this was the case. Not as much fun as you’d think.
Too much work.
ETA: What happened to all the “people mover” sidewalks we were promised?
Does she know that YT is not a dating service?
From your prior experience? /s
None there (I’m so, so happy to say). Let’s just say, the vid has the signs of a certain… agenda?
I came here for this!
There’s nothing stopping people from dancing instead of walking. So go on- you can dance if you want to.
We’d all be like Baton Bob?