Lost Women of Science podcast showcases scientists who haven't gotten enough credit for their outstanding work

Originally published at: Lost Women of Science podcast showcases scientists who haven't gotten enough credit for their outstanding work | Boing Boing


Great idea for a show!

I assume there is also an episode in the first season about Rosalind Franklin, who was the one who actually did all the work for Watson and Crick on identifying the double-helix structure of DNA. She went uncredited on all their papers and their Nobel prize. The famous X-ray crystallography photo of DNA that rocked the world and is studied to this day was created by her. Watson and Crick reprimanded her for being “too independent” as their lab assistant.


Throw your Junior Researchers under the bus by citing their birthdays as 19-something! Try and list your Dean or Funding Reporter! Who among us doesn’t need a Private Collection at libraries near them, mezzo-mezzo unclaimed and occasionally supplemented by Their Mom.

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