Louisiana law would make it illegal to be closer than 25ft to cops or talk to them after they tell you to stop

These legislators have heard of zoom lenses, I assume?


Mmmmm, computer says no. Go watch some of these “frauditor” videos and then come back and tell me they are first amendment activists.

They intentionally walk the fine line between harassment and legal behavior. There’s no valid reason for harassing a librarian, or a post-office employee, or just the general public who doesn’t want some creep recording their children.

Former frauditors have admitted it’s a grift for youtube money. And it is a huge problem, and just because this law doesn’t mention them explicitly, they are a big reason for this type of laws.

By all means, record the cops, and if for some reason that’s your kink, film your local librarian… But don’t film the kids, don’t berate the post office employee because you don’t know how to fully read “poster 7”, and if a cop is writing a dude a ticket for running a red light, don’t get between him and the person he’s pulled over. Again, WATCH the videos, it’s not at all about the first amendment. They are not “recording the story”, they are trying to “become the story”.

This law is a direct response to all the courts ruling that recording cops is a constitutionally protect action and cannot be prosecuted. “OK, we can’t stop you recording, but we can make you move back until the recording doesn’t show anything.” Designed to get around the courts. I can only wish the same courts would get fed up with this shit and slap it down hard.


So, they are exercising their constitutional rights and recording it when fascist goons think that their opinions trump (ha ha) the constitution. OK, why does this make them agitators? Or are you talking about the sort of agitators who sat at whites-only counters while being openly Black? Rights are not rights if you can only have them if they are not used. Sure, some of those guys are assholes. But being an asshole is not illegal. And exercising rights that are written into our laws does not make you an agitator. Just a citizen. Like we all are.




Wrong again. If the librarian is beating people; if the post-office employee is kidnapping people for being annoying; if a member of the public is kneeling on someone else’s neck for 8 minutes and 44 seconds because of the color of his skin, then yes there is every reason to harrass and record them. But we know those examples are the behaviors of cops, not librarians, postal workers or most regular people.


I’m pretty sure the entire point of this topic is a law hindering people from doing exactly that. Maybe you want to start your own about the other things, then, which are not relevant to this.


But he don’t hear you, though!


@danimagoo clearly stated above that they have watched many of these videos and recommends a youtube channel with analysis of the videos. They have a different opinion than you. Your response is bordering on inappropriate.


“This law wasn’t meant for people like me!” shouts the first white, working-class Louisianian arrested for filming a cop from 24ft away.


Power Netflix documentary sheds a lot of light on how the roots of the problems with policing and policing culture are not new…the problems are not a bug…they’re a feature.

These are fundamental aspects of its ideology, unfortunately.


Today’s police force as we know it started out as Slave Patrols.


… on the contrary, it’s one more excuse they can use next time they shoot someone

“Why did you shoot him?”

“You saw, he was only 15 feet away! I had to!”


They SHOULD be filming them. Every single fucking time. The cops need to know that the people they are meant to be serving are watching them, because far too many children are being shot by the cops for no fucking reason.

And most people do not “jump” cops… that’s just pure fantasy made up in the minds of cops who buy into all the copaganda about all of us out here who aren’t cops being dangerous or victims… Bullshit of the highest fucking order.

Kenan Thompson Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

I wonder how many people were saved from having drugs planted of them or being shot for being the wrong color by these people…

Thats It Martin Short GIF by PBS SoCal

Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC

Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals


Nobody is saying don’t record interactions with cops (at least I’m not). I’ve had many very (VERY) unfavorable interactions with cops. But I’ve had a few times when they’ve been helpful, so I try not to paint with a broad brush.

But to say that this law has nothing to do with stopping frauditors is not entirely accurate.



And if a librarian, or post office worker, or anybody is doing any of those awful things mentioned previously, then calling them out on that is not “harassment”.

Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose.


Um… yes. The State of Louisiana is. That’s the point… they are trying to get rid of public pressure on the police to tone down police violence.

You are not the entire world. And the same cop who was nice to you might have treated someone else like utter shit. Many MANY other people have had awful interactions with them, including people ending up dead. That’s the point of filming. Letting them know that they are being watched so that they can’t act with impunity.

Why the hell would you believe a thing that this MAGA dominated legislature says? What did the opposition say during the debates about this bill? What issues did THEY bring up? There are plenty of laws that say one thing and are meant to give cover for all sorts of awfu shit. Just look at the Jim Crow era voting laws. Not a single one said that Black citizens can’t vote in the general elections. They made up all sorts of mechanisms to allow local officials to not let Black people vote (poll taxes and literacy tests). This is the same fucking thing. How ANY of us can trust the GOP is beyond me… they are working to destroy any and all progress made since the 19th century. That’s what they’re doing here, working to roll back accountability against the police.

I don’t know how you can still trust their words, when they’re making their real intent clear day after day at this point.




Surprising number of boot afficianidos in this comment thread.



Not like the boots will be stepping on their faces… /s