Lovecraft with adjectives, similes and metaphors edited out

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Someone (not me) could write a Lovecraft/Hemingway translator.


Hemingway with adjectives, similes and metaphors edited in.

Nick cast a gimlet eye at the blackened, burned-over stretch of non-euclidean hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered cyclopean houses of the eldritch town and then walked down the rickety railroad track to the bridge over the advancing river. The river, a shrieking abysm of immemorial lunacy, was there.


Isnā€™t ā€œblackā€ an adjective right there in the first sentence?

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The aperture was.

No light was emitted or reflected from the aperture.

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Kipling, I am told, used to remove every adjective and adverb in his text as a first pass edit; and then replace the few that whose loss broke the text. This is, I guess, what was done here.

It is a good trick, and it still works. I cannot stomach Lovecraft, but this is readable and exciting. Okay, it is not the purple prose - ahem, sorry - not and never would be the darkened and empurpled prose reeking of an older and fouler roiling empyrean, bearing whispers of depths unimaginable. I am sure Lovecraft fans hate it, but itā€™s still good.


That ā€˜Lovecraftian newsā€™ reminds me of a site thatā€™d apply a sci-fi or fantasy filter to current news headlinesā€¦


Someone, please make a browser plugin or translator website for translating to lovecraftian english!

You forgot squamous and rugose. Even today I canā€™t keep a straight face when I hear these adjectives in a biomedical context because I associate them with Lovecraftian prose.


Lovecraft without metapohors sounds totally like David Lynch speaking. Where every spare word has a heavy meaning.


ā€œStop liking what I donā€™t likeā€?

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Iā€™m personally more disappointed that ā€œtenebrousnessā€ is edited out of the following sentence, when that is a noun. I think to de-adjective you need to merge the two sentences into:

ā€œThe apertureā€™s inner walls were obscured by a tenebrousness.ā€

#Trump is a flat circle.

I love that HPL still gets ā€œimmensityā€ in there as a descriptive noun / synechdocheā€¦ Also, to be pedantic, minus the formerly intervening adjective ā€œgreatā€ it should become ā€œā€¦AN architect went madā€¦ā€ If youā€™re going to play grammar games, better get it right across the boardā€¦ :smile:

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