Luxury nuclear bunkers in Kansas

When Kansas becomes part of the vast inland sea these will be luxury tombs.

My thought exactly.

Step 1: wealthy buy nuclear silo condos for survival
Step 2: 100 years pass
Step 3: Wool

Yipe yipe yipe!

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Who will be the actual owners of the bunker when the world ends.


I think luxury nuclear bunkers in Kansas are a pretty cool idea. Of course, I’d dig living on a rocky island shaped like a skull, so what do I know?


Because they’re paranoid right wing assholes. Trying to make the world a better place is impossible in their world view, and perhaps even immoral. They regard prosperity as a zero sum game - if the poor have more, then they will have less, and that cannot be tolerated.


Could you imagine how hauntingly lonely it would be to live in a such bunker, knowing that the world above you is a charred wasteland and that, if there are any other human beings left, you have no hope of ever meeting them? That your life henceforth will be meaningless? It doesn’t matter what amenities you’ve got down there—I have to think that you’d eventually go insane.


Starve to death in style!


For the man who thinks he’s important.

Coming soon to the boing boing store

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Nah, the mentality is different. More like: “If they want peace they should work harder and pay for it themselves. I’m not going to pay for other peoples peace.”


My only problem with this is that I’d be sharing the hole with other people. I don’t care if there’s five feet of nuke-proof concrete between me and my neighbors; the point is I’d know they were there.

I guess I’ll have to wait until I can afford to by a whole silo of my very own.

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That was my first thought. What flavor of disaster is sufficiently serious that you would need a converted missile silo to ride it out; but expected to be so short that your guys with guns are going to care that just taking over the luxury bunker they control access to will negatively impact their performance reviews and may lead to legal action and/or criminal charges?

A lot of effort, throughout human history, has gone into cracking the question of how to have enough applied violence types to win extralegal scenarios without having them just get rid of you. It remains a tricky problem.

I must admit, while I don’t begin to approach having the cash for it; and view ‘prepper’ type activities with a “And I would want to survive that why exactly?” attitude; absurdly overengineered Cold War surplus has a killer aesthetic.

The facilities located out in the sticks are of less interest; because I’d rather not have to travel to get to my apocalypse command base, or live in the sticks; but some of the old nuclear hardened telcom infrastructure is sweet. Wholly impractical; but I’d love to have a blast door.

With a blaring siren whilst is closing…

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That’s the spirit! Also rotating hazard lights.

Basically, I want Vault-Tek to do it(minus the chilling social experiments). Plus, it would make my street address really obvious, which would assist delivery and postal employees.


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