Originally published at: MAGA man fights back tears when reminded of Rush Limbaugh (but Steve Bannon saves the day!) | Boing Boing
That’s what you get for fucking around with horcruxes.
I’m reluctant to be too hard on people for having terrible social relationships; but in the context of parasocial relationships where you can project onto just about anybody with some sort of audience-aware behavior that’s just atrociously bad taste.
I also cry when I think of Rush Limbaugh, less so these days.
"Are you surprised by my tears, sir?
Strong. Men. Also. Cry"
-The other Jeffrey Lebowski. The millionaire.
right?! i’m thinking, “that’s because limburger consumed souls” like so many tabs of oxy.
Hey, I listened to Rush for 30 years too. But the better one. The one from Canada.

when I think of Rush Limbaugh, less so these days.
I just realized as I was reading this article that I hadn’t heard anything about Limbaugh since he died. No “I miss him” or even mere mentions. Gone and forgotten in a moment. I guess if you’re a piece of shit no one mourns you when you’re gone. Aside from this dimwit, of course, but the fact that he loves the future inmate Bannon says all I need to know about him.
FYI, I’ve checked with Jesus, and Limbaugh’s in Hell. Eternally.
He’s currently wrapped up in a layer of barbed wire while demons perform eye and oral surgery on him with chainsaws.
He hates it.
I doubt Bannon is going to be able to podcast regularly from jail.
I absolutely guarantee that I’m at least 10 times happier every time I think about Limbaugh being a rotting slab of silent meat than this guy is sad.
I get tears of joy when I think about Rush Limbaugh being dead. Does that count? (Ok, so I don’t literally, but he is on the list of people the death of whom I celebrated.)
No man, you’re Mr Lebowski. I’m the Dude.

FYI, I’ve checked with Jesus, and Limbaugh’s in Hell. Eternally.
He’s currently wrapped up in a layer of barbed wire while demons perform eye and oral surgery on him with chainsaws.
He hates it.
They constantly remind him that there will be no charge for the procedures, since they have fully taxpayer-funded healthcare there.
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