"MAGA" Mike Johnson thinks his god gave him the gavel

Mike Johnson: The Lord told me “very clearly" to prepare to become “Moses”.

So when does his 40 years wandering in the desert begin?


If Johnson is Moses, does that mean he’s going to lead the Republicans across a sea to another land? Fingers crossed!


Perhaps one Sarah Palin could see from her house?


Traveling to the promised land, one reactionary Youtube influencer at a time.


And the detail that Moses was never allowed to enter the promised land …


You’ve got I all wrong; by “Moses” he clearly means Charlton Heston.
And you can wrench that gavel from his cold, dead hands.
An acceptable proposal.


… it’s because they’re not currently in power, and they occasionally criticize the conservatives currently in power

If the GOP nominated Liz Cheney for president and Trump said she was terrible then suddenly Trump would be the good one :roll_eyes:


Whenever a harmful act of nature turns up in a notably ‘blue’ part of the country, the christo-idiots declare that it was punishment being meted out by god. I think it would be wonderful if a meteor paid MJ a high-speed visit to the noggin. Predictably, said idiots would say it was pure chance, while not questioning why god would allow it.


Confirmed, God’s run out of locusts.


I’d love to see Loki and Thor cooperate on a prank where Thor leaves Mjölnir on Johnson’s desk and Loki enchants it to look like the gavel. Try calling the House to order now, loser!


It bears notice that less than 1% of Congress openly identify as being atheist, agnostic, or unaffiliated with any religion. Pretentions of religiosity is inherent in politics, like bone under the meat.

Re MJ, it could simply be politics (rather than ego, an order of magnitude more dangerous than the former, in my opinion). Hard to get elected when ~70% of the country believe in this or that whatsits sky-thingy, and then, once in office, pretenders must maintain their bogus-cred for influence and the next election.


No disagreement with the numbers or the performative nature of much of it; I was mostly reacting to Mike falling so dramatically on the “auditory hallucinations affirming fairly dramatic expansive delusions” side vs. the “is an adherent of a religious tradition that has some curious but largely untestable metaphysical propositions” side of religiosity.

The latter can absolutely be a matter of either factual or epistemological disagreement; but isn’t terribly dramatic as a psychological phenomenon. The former is is where you get into “more DSM than Deuteronomy” territory.


I dunno. We might be able to see Trump’s barbs as helpful in opposing Cheney (who most people here would likely opposed if she were the candidate). But I don’t think Cheney and Trump are just different sides of the same coin - one is definitely worse than the other.

I do think that people like Cheney secretly need the Trumps of this world. It allows them to say “Look, I’m the reasonable one.” My concern is that the Overton window has expanded significantly to the right and authoritarianism in a relatively short time.



Well, the Christian Nationalists claim that God does not like congress between men; so, maybe, it is time for an all woman/enby lower house? :smile::+1:


We long to walk in peace and beauty but the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against us.
Religious freedom should never harm another.
Talking to God is called prayer. When God talks back to you that’s psychosis.


I was under the impression this guy doesn’t drink…

Ah, so he is to be the major Prophet in The Cult of Lord Dampnut?
Are Lord Dampnut’s other self-proclaimed ‘Prophets’ aware of this?

I hope that, when he leads his enslaved people out of their obvious bondage, that he takes em all.
Got the perfect destination, too:
Pristine land! Freshlly detached & independent! Never been plowed!
Unlimited building supplies for shelter!
Pristine fishing grounds, and no polar bears!

This special offer is limited, so hurry while it lasts!

So did God go through several people before actually getting to Moses?

In other words why didn’t God just install Johnson first?

If trump was sent by God why did he loose? Why did God allow the democrats to cheat?

And speaking of Moses, if God can appoint a speaker of the house why can’t God solve the problem over in Isreal by appointing people who can negotiate a cease fire and peace?

If God can anoint Johnson why can’t they get rid of Kim Jong?

So many questions.

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“Human beings have neither the aural nor the psychological capacity to withstand the awesome power of God’s true voice. Were you to hear it, your mind would cave in and your heart would explode within your chest. We went through five Adams before we figured that one out.” —The Metatron


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