MAGA turns on Amy Coney Barrett for siding with liberals on voting rights

Originally published at: MAGA attacks Amy Coney Barrett over Arizona voting rights ruli - Boing Boing


shocked philip j fry GIF


“5-4 ruling that bars Arizona residents from registering to vote if they don’t show proof of citizenship.” - I think you mean ALLOWS them to register to vote without showing proof of citizenship. The bar was the decision they wanted, not the one they got.


No, they got what they wanted, but they’re still upset that Barrett sided with the minority opinion against it.


No, It’s correctly written. The conservatives won the ruling 5-4. Right-wingers complain when they lose; they complain win they win; they don’t know how to react to anything other with fear, violence, and destruction


“Arizona’s Republican-controlled legislature adopted new restrictions on voter registration in 2022. The law requires applicants who submit a federal registration form to provide evidence of U.S. citizenship to vote in presidential elections or vote by mail in any federal election. Voter registrants who use a separate, state-created form face even tighter restrictions. Without proof of U.S. citizenship, state applications are rejected in their entirety, and officials who fail to do so face a minor felony charge under the law.
The Supreme Court’s ruling revived the restriction related to the state voter registration form, but kept intact a judicial decision blocking the provision that sought to tighten limits on the federal form.”


It begins…


Interesting, because that’s not how Newsweek is reporting it.

Ultimately, in a 5-4 vote, the court granted part of the stay filed by the RNC while rejecting other parts. It will allow Arizona election officials to reject new voter registration forms that do not include proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate or a passport.

But it rejected part of the request that sought to block Arizonans already registered to vote but have not provided proof of citizenship from voting in federal elections or by mail.

Soooo…off to read the actual order myself! BRB.

ETA: Ok, the actual order is very short and doesn’t really clear anything up. However, SCOTUSblog has a very detailed recap of the whole thing. This is yet another case where apparently we’re just ignoring the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution now. The National Voter Registration Act creates a federal voter registration form. That form requires you to affirm that you are a citizen, but it does not require you to provide proof. Arizona passed a law a couple of years ago creating their own voter registration form that does require you to provide proof. That law also required registrants using the federal form to provide proof of citizenship even though that form doesn’t require it. The Court allowed the stay on that portion of the law to remain in place, but it lifted the stay on the proof requirement for registrants using the state form. Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch would have lifted the stay on the whole thing. Barrett sided with the three liberal women on the Court and would have left the entire stay in place. Also, this case has not yet been decided on the merits. Well, I think it might have been at the District Court level, but the appeal has not yet been heard. The decision on the stay was fast tracked because the appeal won’t even be heard before the election. So this issue isn’t over yet.


Do those leopard nibbles tickle, Amy?


“What a mistake it was to nominate her”

In these trying times at least we can all agree on one thing, if not for the same reasons.


I’m shocked you used that gif again…
Well, not shocked.

much love!


GIF by Juli


don’t get all squishy, MAGAts. she’ll be there for you when it really matters.

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