Maggie Gyllenhaal told 37 is "too old" to play love interest of a 55-year-old dude

His horribleness is a major part of that show. You’re not supposed to like him. Not suggesting that everyone should like the show, and it gets hard to watch, but it’s hardly a subtle narrative.


I’d be more put off that she didn’t know how to find the book’s Wikipedia page. :wink: If you’re going to be lazy, then be the best lazy you can be, is what I say.

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It was genetically engineered for mass-market success, and about as interesting plotwise as one might expect.

Its success, however was more about novelty and CGI brilliance alongside the heavily promoted 3d euphoria. The plot attempted to not get in the way of the rest as much as it could.

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Oh, good. Yet another show about a cishet white man we aren’t really supposed to like but should find really, really fascinating! How exciting and original that story angle is. I am impressed. I bet it took minutes to come up with it!

Its success, however was more about novelty and CGI brilliance alongside the heavily promoted 3d euphoria. The plot attempted to not get in the way of the rest as much as it could.

And you know, I’m fine with that. The plus to big-budget movies that take advantage of ALL the CGI available at the time they are created is that it can create a precedence, and help work through some kinks, and even inspire people to find new, cheaper ways of doing things (to save money/make more money).

I haven’t yet gotten into it (though I’ve tried).

I love Kristen Schaal dearly, and I’ve been slogging along.

The premise is “what if the survivor of the apocalypse is a puerile dick”? I actually appreciate that there’s little attempt to “redeem” him and make his activities okay, and at the same time, focus on the good of others.

Technically he’s the “star”, but he’s not even an antihero, he’s almost the antagonist to all the other survivors.

I haven’t kept up much lately, but the show isn’t Two and a Half Me, it has actual moments of brilliance. But there’s just enough annoying awkward dude that I can’t entirely justify it either.

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I know. I love her, too. I have read some articles that try to skew it toward the feminist but there seems to be too much that didn’t go right. I think they bit off more than they can chew. It happens. Kristen Shcaal is still amazing.

But yeah, the whole “what if this thing happens to this puerile dick?” and then the story of his redemption is pretty trite. And he gets to treat two women like shit in the process which miraculously brings him redemption. More women are shown to be abused, basically, while a man gets to grow as a human being at the story’s end. And we’re supposed to cheer about it. How novel.

I get the feeling they were probably trying to be subversive or something but it maybe didn’t quite work out.

Also, nothing about Two and a Half Men has ever been good.

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Goodness - she’s almost old enough to be his mother!


I don’t think he ever reaches “redemption” which changes the tone somewhat, he’s not quite a Barry Lyndon level of hatesoak, but as a comedy, I think the level of jerkdom is taken slightly seriously, and misses the absurd and Looney Tunes level of horrible the characters of say, Always Sunny hit.

The concept isn’t terrible, but the execution is tough. Maybe I should stick it out past the 8th episode or wherever I stopped, but the balance of good others and jerk main is way skewed towards frustration. My “defense” of the show is that it is quite conscious and avoids stupid-easy redemption (I do enjoy the human failings on some level), but I can’t say I enjoy the degree of awkwardness it pushes towards.

I was using that as an example of the “douche and irredeemable lovable cishet dickhead” genre that I’ve managed to avoid, hopefully it didn’t come off as any sort of endorsement.

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I don’t think he ever reaches “redemption” which changes the tone somewhat,

That is not any better or more original.

The concept isn’t terrible

The concept sounds terrible to me and I’m not surprised it’s not going well if they are doing it in such a literal way.

hopefully it didn’t come off as any sort of endorsement.

The show was actively bad. Like, just bad.

Which is fine, btw. I watch shitty stuff all the time. No real judgement if someone wants to spend time hatewatching something, but that terrible show really was just bad.

It’s one of those concepts that would probably work best in a cinema format than in an extended series. I don’t find that the concept is inherently interesting, but I think that it would be interesting in the right hands. I enjoy human characters in all of their failings, I do not enjoy hatesoaks for very long unless they are written in a particularly witty or interesting manner. Again, not really attempting to sell you on the series as I haven’t had the desire to finish it off myself.

I just want to give you mad props for mentioning Harold and Maude*. What a great movie.

* it was a typo, @chgoliz! I know how to spell Maude, honest! Thanks for pointing it out.

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Maude, people…Maude!

Maud is a poem by Tennyson. Very British name. Maude…well, you probably remember her tattoo.

Now that this thread has cooled off, I’d like to (hopefully) close it with a brief fact:

Maggie Gyllenhaal is fucking awesome, someone I’d totally want to hang with, and super sexy to boot!

Maggie G! 2016!


I came into this thread to specifically say how shocked I was to find out that she is 37, the same age as me. I thought she was MUCH younger. So you, my friend, are speaking quite thoroughly out of your ass (but then, the rest of your comment already makes that very clear any way).


Yay for the Society of 37 Year Olds!

But I look better. I have the body of a chiseled TRex with the head of a manatee.


Is anyone here NOT 37?


I was last week, but not anymore. :neutral_face:

Also, I can 100% guarantee that if I was spotted out in public with Ms. Gyllenhaal on my arm the public reaction would NOT be “What’s a guy like that doing with someone like her? Shouldn’t he be dating someone younger?”

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If ms. Gyllenhaal was on my arm in public, people would scream, “THATS A MUTHA FLIPPAN TREX NEXT TO YOU!!!”.

Oh, and then they would compliment my glutes.

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You’ve made me realize that technically I’m old enough to be Maggie’s mother.

And unfortunately, if I walked down the street arm-in-arm with her, people really would be willing to think I was her mother. I would not appear to be her younger, better looking friend!

It may come to pass that women paying to see movies like this fall into the same category as those who vote Republican and attend Catholic churches.

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