Originally published at: Magical (but uncomfortable) office chair made from giant hunk of amethyst crystal | Boing Boing
What happens during an earthquake to your 200+ pound unsecured seat on wheels?
Rock 'n roll.
Entitled “Working in the Office”
Silly me thought it was just a sample on a custom rolling mount that just sorta kinda looks like a chair.
Rocks and minerals are cool enough, you don’t need to add magic.
This plus some cushions sounds really cool TBH. Not $3k plus shipping from Japan cool but pretty cool.
That’s certainly going to realign your chakras.
And somehow it is probably still more comfortable than the chairs my employer sources which appear to be made from recycled ironing boards.
It is highly likely that you will experience Kundalini Energy (“pain”) coursing up and down your spine while enthroned upon this magical seat.
I am not sure that being able to drink all the poison I want would be worth sitting on this…
I wonder if you actually could sit in it. Besides the obvious issue, the weight and balance seem like they could be a problem if an actual person’s weight got added. I wonder if it was even designed with that in mind, or if it’s purely a conceptual chair. Certainly you wouldn’t want to lean back…
“Sit on it!”
Is a chair still a chair when nobody sits on it?
Holds some intersting consequences for toilets I’d say.
Only if your cat wants to sit there, first.
That chair would even give a Steven Universe character a hemorrhoid
Korg finds it pretty comfortable.
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