Make your computer run like new with this top-rated junk cleaning software

One of the previous times this PUP was advertised I recalled: “I had this or a similar program and it told me that I could get rid of a bunch of “temp” files, including my email cache. Turned out, that “cache” was actually my email archives (back before one could just leave email on-line indefinitely on Google.) I’ve been paranoid about these programs ever since.”


Well, technically deleting the email archives would clear out a lot of junk…


OnyX for cleaning up a Mac, its free.

I also use Linux (Debian testing repository), and from the little experience with MacOS I had it seemed like a solidly built unix-like system that didn’t need any kind of cleaning software. It’s not my thing because of how locked down, uncustomizable and proprietary it is, but security and system architecture are fine and if someone wants a system that just works it is a good choice.

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I’m not one to sing the praises of PUPs/PUAs, but that quoted comment is somewhat vague and… well…

“Ford cars have terrible build quality. nothing but problems. I used to own one, or something similar, might have been a Cheverolet…”

But yeah, don’t touch these apps, they’re suss as fuck.

Fair enough, but I do try indicate the confidence level of my recollections hence the qualification as to which program deleted my archives as “temp files”. I think any “clean up” program could do that.

Hehe, yeah, I don’t disagree at all (I work for one of the big AV companies - I know exactly what a PUA is capable of), it was just the wording of the quote that tickled my pedantic bone :grin:

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There was a time when I worked at the apple store, and removing this software from peoples computers was one of the most common problems people came in with. You cannot uninstall it using the standard application removal process, and instead need to uninstall it using the software itself. Its designed to be difficult to remove while accomplishing nothing.

Apple was never cool, just expensive.

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