Making, Crafting, Creating... aka Whatcha workin' on?

I’m very close to the xtool D1 with a 20w laser. I like it because I can swap out the laser with a 10w laser and they now have a 2w infrared module for small jewelry and fine engraving on plastic. They also come with a rotator for cups.

I figure if we’re going to invest we should go with something that has options.

But I’m still on the fence, I don’t want to end up with an expensive personal use gizmo.

Which one do you have and do you see yourself outgrowing it?

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That sounds like a good choice.

I have an Ortur Laser Master 3 (goofy name, sounds like a character from an '80s cartoon) with a 10w diode laser – very similar design to the xTool you’re considering. In fact, here’s a comparison between these very machines, in which the xTool comes out well ahead.

I’m sure you’ve done the research and already know this, but I highly recommend the Lightburn software. Free for a month, then you’ll need a license ($60 for up to three computers, totally worth the cost).

One issue I’ve run into: There doesn’t seem to be any way to adjust paths for tapered objects when using the rotary chuck. (This limitation may apply to other laser cutting software, not just Lightburn.) It’s a bit hard to explain… You can put a tapered object like a pint glass on the rotary chuck, and adjust the axis angle so the laser maintains constant distance from the object surface as it rotates. But, because the circumference of the object is different at different points along the X axis, you get distortion as degrees of Y rotation results in different lengths depending on where you are. There is probably a way in Illustrator to “pre-warp” your art so that it looks right when engraved. It’s not a huge deal, but is noticeable.

Great online resources include r/lasercutting on Reddit, and the LA Hobby Guy forums.

Be prepared to burn through lots of material while you learn the machine – but, seeing the stuff you’ve posted here, you should have no problem picking up the skills.

It was really just an experiment, one I’d consider a failure. I just spray painted the plexiglass, let it dry, and etched away. On closer inspection, the laser didn’t even take off any acrylic – only the paint. Higher power resulted in damage to the plastic.


Fun and interesting tools arranged in a “periodic table” by Theodore Gray:

Sorry no onebox. it’s a really neat site that will appeal to many folks who follow this topic.


Almost done with the Yeti for tomorrow’s holiday parade. Not the prettiest fiberglass job but I think the scouts had a lot of fun helping build it and it should be sturdy enough to reuse for 4th of July parade if we repaint him to be a Sasquatch.

Maybe I should open a side business in old-timey roadside attractions.


Link doesn’t work for me. Bummer.

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That’s odd, not working for me either today, although it was OK when I posted it.


your Yeti is soo cool! love his fierce face!
@gatto your tool table link worked yeserday and still worked just now…
android/chrome :man_shrugging:t2:


Looks pretty damn nice to me!


@MrShiv in this case. ( it’s the red and black avatar thing. there’s one other of us as well – @Mercenary_Garage – with the same coloring, and even i get confused who i am… )


homer simpson doh GIF

not the first time my “lyin’ old man eyes” have deceived me!


And the rarely seen but surprisingly toned Yeti-booty:


Put a muffler in his arms and it will be an instant roadside attraction.

Very nice.


In the words of Yukon Cornelius…“Bumbles bounce!”

turn up dancing GIF by Stefflon Don


Sasquatch rarely goes to the gym, Yeti never misses leg day.


A friend of ours is involved with an animal rescue that fosters and places dogs, she was looking for stuff to raffle off at thier next fundraiser.

I made a Christmas tree gift box.


Where i started:

Where i am now:

About half way finished. Was very surprised to find walnut veneer under the black crud on the sides. Now not at all sure what to expect from the top!


attention Happy Mutants!
i have just released a new set of letterpress printed post cards that are going fast (my editions are short-run, usually 20 - 50 at a go).
there is absolutely no cost to you, only your trust and a snail-mail address you feel ok in sharing. my mailing list is small, very private, not stored digitally anywhere and never for sale!

if you have room in you post box for entertaining handmade post card art “junk mail”, please DM me where to send.
internationals welcome!


Follow-up: float was a hit. Our lighting setup really helped it stand out for a nighttime parade.




most excellent! lighting is perfectly dramatic! love it! best in show! :trophy: