Continuing the discussion from Scientists create blackest black yet:
Here’s your benchmark, folks:
[quote=“shaddack, post:35, topic:36995”]
How low goes it?
Hmm, it’s probably more of a suction pump; now I look at it the gauge is in increments of 20mmHg.
Niiiice! Document it when done? Can’t wait to see how it works inside!
Do the “normal” model servos have enough torque and enough resilience to last in service for significant time?
Actually, it’s sort of two-fold; I’ve (AFAIK) pioneered [this arrangement][1], which pretty much requires electronic shifting to be worth a damn. (Half-step triples aren’t new, but this exact kind is.)
I talk about the electronics and post an early and embarrassing version of my code [here][2].
The servos I’m using are tiny wing servos, with just under 5kg/cm of torque; probably just enough to move the derailers, but the idea is to have a double pulley on the servos with the second one being a cam the cable comes off, onto a spring pulling on it to mostly equalise the derailer’s pull, so the servos only have to fight the friction and resistance of shifting the chain. I’m about 80% confident it’ll work.
DIY potentiostat
Oh yeah? What’s the deal with that?
[1]: Half-step triple, using double parts - Bike Forums
[2]: Low-end vs. high-end components - Page 5 - Bike Forums