Man accused of strangling, masturbating on unconscious woman accepts plea deal with no jail time

Originally published at:


Oh, please- he’s 34. What man hasn’t choked a woman to unconsciousness and ejaculated on her at age 34? Get the guy a nomination to the Supreme Court, STAT! /s


Who the fuck let that … thing … hold the position of judge?
The only plea deal someone guilty of those things should get is “if you plead really well maybe we’ll stop after we’ve broken your arms”.


But I would like the gentleman to be on notice that that is his one pass – it’s not really a pass – but given the conduct, one might consider that it is."

Nice slip there. As noted in the original article, it’s doubtful he would have had occasion to phrase it that way if the perp had been Native-American and the victim white instead of vice-versa.


Thank goodness he’s being spared an experience that could traumatize and ruin him for life…

[obligatory /s]


Schneider said he was never going to kill her. He just needed her to think that in order to achieve satisfaction

It has given me a year to really work on myself and become a better person, and a better husband, and a better father, and I’m very eager to continue that journey.


Yep, that year was definitely a good start. Just think what revelations and personal growth could have been achieved in another fifteen to twenty


According to court documents, she told police Schneider said he was never going to kill her. He just needed her to think that in order to achieve satisfaction."

Schneider was never going to jail, the public just needed to think that in order to achieve minimal satisfaction.



Relax, he’ll be a Supreme Court Justice one day.


This is just horrifying. I thought at first that the woman had been strangled to death, but it’s almost worse to think of her living through this & knowing that her assaulter was let free. Reading through the sarcastic/ironic comments, I feel as if we are on dystopian overload & can no longer even muster the outrage this calls for. Absolutely, this judge should be removed from the bench & his decision should ricochet back to hit Kavanaugh, & all other enablers. I’ll write my representatives again today.

Judge Michael Corey is up for a retention vote. We can vote him out in November. #Alaska #akelect

— Alaska Twit (@AlaskaTwit) September 21, 2018



A trait of murderers is they like the power and dominance over someone else… for example suffocating someone to unconsciousness. This fellow has demonstrated he is unfit to be in public, and the judge has demonstrated he is unfit to rule in these cases.


Didn’t happen. He assured me he’s still a virgin.



The victim, who was not consulted about the plea deal Schneider received, is a Native American woman.

I was wondering how the fuck this travesty of justice managed to happen. I have my answer there.
Now, I wonder about the other recent case where a doctor raped a heavily sedated woman (and disabled the call button so she couldn’t get help) and got probation…


Disgusting. I can’t even crack a cynical joke. Since when did attempted murder become something to brush off or “give a pass” for? Fuck this world.

Pretty sure that if I said I needed that judge to believe he was about to die by my hand it would be taken pretty seriously. I don’t. I just need him to be removed from the bench to imagine that there’s any kind of justice at all in the world. This man ought to get his sexual satisfaction in a place where he has no access to other humans at any point in time. Don’t care where. Don’t care how. Shitass judge can join him since apparently he’s cool with that kind of thing.


It does help put my day into perspective wherein we aren’t even a month into the school year and my daughter has been late so many times she has detention already for it (she drives herself to school). My pain was telling her she is grounded for the week and has to do XYZ if she doesn’t follow through or is late again this month she has the car taken away and grounded for October.

Kind of easy peazy compared to this story.


Came here to post the obligatory “he should be on the supreme court” comment but then decided that democrats should ask Kavanaugh about this case at the next hearing. As him, as a judge, what he thinks of the ruling.


He’s going to do this again. And he’s going to kill someone. Maybe not even on purpose. There’s a fine line between “strangled to unconsciousness” and “strangled to death.” Cops have accidentally killed people they were restraining with chokeholds.


Emphasis mine, this was the terrifying part. I’m all for relationship fixing and stuff, but if my spouse were to abduct, assault, and sexually defile a vulnerable stranger, there’s no way they’d be getting within a mile of our children again.