Man blames media for news

Haha came here to say this – masterful.




I obviously don’t blame the media for COVID-19.

I do blame the right wing media and purveyors of lies and stupidity for making it worse; the whole “only the flu” lies came directly from them; and morons like this idiot believed their lies line, hook, and sinker.

I also blame the media for the whole TP shortage thing. Some idiotic station ran it as a quirky “lol people are buying up all the TP!!!” story and the herd stampeded and now TP is hard to find. I find it very, very suspicious that the TP and Frozen Food aisles are demolished but the shelf-stable canned goods and dry goods aisles are still fairly well stocked…

I think one obvious suggestion for the future is that we need more instruction about assessing emergency situations and responding to them in productive ways both in high school and as continuing adult education. This is a skill set that I think rural people pass on to each other but it seems that many more urban people don’t have, due to better social support structures.


Republicans are super quick to believe in any sort of fake threat that requires/justifies indiscriminately depriving non-white/non-hetero/non-cis people of their rights without due process of law. But actual existential threats that require privileged individuals to change their own behavior for the good of others? FAKE NEWS!


not everyone has that luxury. my local news source began suggesting people “stock up” on essential items within the past 2-3 weeks. some people just got their tax returns. others are still living paycheck to paycheck because that’s the country we live in. i don’t think 4-8 weeks of isolation really requires that much t.p., but my local shelves are bare just like yours because people are freaking out. in my opinion the biggest part of that is the disorganized and inconsistent government response, but the 24-hour doomsday herald news cycle certainly shares some of the responsibility.


Let me put it this way: there was never any point in time when “it would be prudent to stock up on essentials like nonperishable foods in case we start facing mandatory quarantines/isolation in the coming weeks and months” was bad advice for this pandemic.


you do understand that many people can’t afford to do that, right?

Yes I do. And I certainly don’t blame anyone who didn’t stockpile food because they didn’t have the money to do so. But that still doesn’t mean that “try to have an emergency supply of food and goods ready if you can” was bad advice. Heck, it’s good advice even during times when there ISN’T a looming disease pandemic.


She probably has a lot of experience dealing with angry white men that want to share their opinions.


Unsurprisingly the YouTube comments are full of Righteous ManBros praising this gentleman for speaking truth to power and calling out the corrupt left-wing media.


They should all get together…


But if you’re only 99% right about his being 99% wrong, I think he’s up to 2% right. :thinking:


Aesop was relating it in the 6th Century BC, no doubt the grasshopper/cicada would have a better outcome if they called on you.


He was probably looking at a reasonable map, like this one that does indeed show 1 dot in Russia.

He just has no idea how to understand the data shown on the map. The dot represents a data set, not an individual case or specific location. The single dot is geographically centered on Russia because there is 1 data set for Russia.


Not where I am. Every bit of soup, chili, vegetables, rice, beans, pasta, all gone. All that was left was Creamed Eels and Wadded Beef. But I’m sure they’ll be restocking soon, after the initial panic subsides.


In WW2 there was some voluntary censoring as part of the war effort (as well as mandatory censoring), but in that case there was no benefit to the public to know about troop movements, in this case our federal government was so slow to warn us of the danger that it’s up to the media to let us know how serious the issue is. I don’t know this guy’s politics, but that’s what a lot of Trumpers are really pissed about, reality hitting Donald Trump in the face like a brick.


Looks like someone is pissed his pub is closed.


you’re both part right and part wrong and I’m mostly right about that … I think?

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Imagine my confusion.