Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/07/fox-news-anchor-tells-people-t.html
He seems nice.
“Herd Immunity” is our friend. But I don’t see a path to that that won’t infect millions of people who are at higher risk for death.
When the vaccine is developed, I fully expect everyone to take it to achieve “herd immunity.”
[obligatory] You first.
Everyone? Sadly I think there are quite a few people who won’t be so excited.
Oh Jesus. Look at his arm.
I bet he has the Second Amendment tattooed on his dick.
(Joking, of course. They ran out of room after “A we—”)
Unless you’re like my cousin who had a heart transplant, or some similar ailment, it should be -
No need. Its already 7.62mm
Its amazing how many literally filthy people seem to gravitate to right wing nutcasedom.
I think he did what conservatives do these days and he read the title, or first few lines of the wikipedia entry on “Herd Immunity” and didn’t really absorb the details.
I can think of no other way you talk about “Herd Immunity” absent a vaccine and think everyone being infected means nobody dies.
For good measure, I would wager he got this magical idea from reading “Freakonomics”. I recall a friend of mine posting an excerpt or transcript a while back which suggested we could eradicate STD’s in a generation if all of the people without STD’s went out to the bars and hooked up with strangers.
As usual, you just need to do the numbers. The herd immunity route would ratchet up the US death count to over half a million.
From John Hopkins: Early Herd Immunity against COVID-19: A Dangerous Misconception - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
To reach herd immunity for COVID-19, likely 70% or more of the population would need to be immune. Without a vaccine, over 200 million Americans would have to get infected before we reach this threshold. Put another way, even if the current pace of the COVID-19 pandemic continues in the United States – with over 25,000 confirmed cases a day – it will be well into 2021 before we reach herd immunity. If current daily death rates continue, over half a million Americans would be dead from COVID-19 by that time.
Why doesn’t Fox News lead by example, exhume Rupert Murdoch from his gold-lined sarcophagus and have him hugging Trump voters in Arkansas?
I think my head just exploded.
People like this fellow are why I generally don’t like “people.” Because of how they are, and who listens to them. You can’t always tell, and when you find out it can be distressing.
As for his message, when we see extensive footage of him out there licking windows and sidewalks so he can get the virus himself… well, I still won’t listen to him. Fuck him.
Hold on a minute. Let’s hear him out.
I read Freakanomics - and I don’t recall that in the book… but it has been awhile.
I live in Harris County (Texas). My ZIP code has increased by 10 cases since the restrictions were lifted here… previously it had been static for weeks.
Podcast maybe? Not sure. I don’t have access to that forum anymore, so I can’t find it.
Let’s see how the anti-vaxxers line up for their shots after a significant number of their neighbors, friends and immediate family members (grandparents, spouses, children) die in the quest for Herd Immunity.
But think of the money we’d save by not having to buy, distribute and administer the vaccinations! /s