Originally published at: Man charged with manslaughter after woman dies at "slap therapy" worskshop - Boing Boing
This violent woo peddler is lucky he won’t end up in an American prison, where he’d have lots of “toxins” slapped out of him by other inmates.
Fucking grifters.
This is a slap in the for “alternative medicine”.
I wonder why it took so long for him to be charged. Extradition process?
Is this a real place? It’s not on G-maps
“Slap Therapy??” I can think of a few woo peddlers I would love to deliver this sort of thing to, but to call it actual therapy?
The existence of “Slap Therapy” is the kind of thing that makes me resort to Primal Scream therapy.
Out on bail; fled the country. Other countries had first dibs on trying him. He’s killed other people in other places.
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