Man concocts clever plan to defraud people of Halloween candy

Is it fraud though?

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Alright, I think I figured it out. It’s two parts:

  1. The kind of lie you tell says something about how you think the other sees the world. This lie says that all this weird behavior is explainable by the kid being deaf. That is insane, being deaf doesn’t automatically make you miss the cue to say trick-or-treat. In fact, all deaf kids I knew growing up were socially smarter then I was, and I was only a moderately shy kid.
  2. Even if you see that it’s a lie, and you refuse to go along in the wrong and hurtful story that the lie implies, the most decent thing to do is still to pretend that it’s true on the off chance that there is actually a kid under that costume. So basically any decent person would and should fall for this “prank”.

I prefer pranks that don’t rely on that.


What if the part I’m playing is the parent of a trick-or-treater?


My one break from the aforementioned protocol is that if you are clearly an older sibling taking your little brother or sister around instead of hanging with your friends, I don’t care if you’re not wearing a costume: you’re getting candy for being a supportive family member.

Parents, on the other hand…it’s just part of the job! But I promise, if someone shows up at my door and says they’re from the BBS, I will give them candy no matter what they are or are not wearing. :rofl:

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Okay, I’m dressing up as the older sibling of a trick-or-treater.

The much older sibling who’s glad you don’t card trick-or-treaters.

And the “kid” in the empty costume isn’t deaf or anything like that, he’s part of my costume.

Where’s my BBS Darling t-shirt when I finally need it?


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