Man dead, wife in hospital after ingesting what they thought was a drug touted by Trump

Whew. For a moment there I thought Dr Oz was now the Surgeon General. But the scary thing is that that didn’t surprise me at all.

The problem with that (apart from all the other problems with that) is that today’s “tonic water” contains way less quinine than the tonic water the Brits used to drink in India that they had to add gin to in order to be able to get it down at all. Nasty stuff, that.


I don’t watch tv news or Trump talking. Did he say you should take that chemical or were these two just the type of morons they seem to be?

He’s mentioned chloroquine multiple times. Including calling it “almost a miracle cure”. Claimed the feds were looking to distribute it widely. And after the first ODs following his initial comments said “it’s a wonderful drug, it’s not making people die” or something along those lines.


Randos like ourselves on the internet will often say things like IANAL or if it’s medical, don’t try this, but it could be helpful, don’t do this at home. . The drug he recommended has a toxic to lethal dose very close to the therapeutic dose. He’s being less responsible than most commenters would be. If someone recommended a toxic drug like he was, there’s plenty of us with a science or clinical background to jump on the comment and give adequate warnings.

It’s great to say, “we’re looking at treatment options, here’s Dr. Fauci, who spent his life understanding viruses and their treatments, to give an update”. It’s blatantly irresponsible to just say “this drug is very promising” but not give any warnings on its toxicity.


“consequences beyond himself” have no meaning to the sociopath-in-chief.

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