Originally published at: Man fakes domestic violence call in order to propose to TV reporter girlfriend | Boing Boing
At least it wasn’t a marriage proposal during domestic violence.
that’s one high risk high reward maneuver
[credit: Perry Bible Fellowship]
It’s not a typical red flag, but it still sounds like a red flag to me.
OK, maybe juxtaposing domestic violence and the proposal of a new domestic situation was…ill-conceived, at best?
This is in the same vein as baby gender reveal parties; pointless and annoying.
Yes, I’m a bitter, single, old man. Why do you ask?
So, how much public and private money was used to engage this stunt?
I suppose that reminding someone that you are close to local law enforcement and don’t view domestic violence as beyond the pale is one way to encourage them to consider your proposal.
The whole incident is made of red flags. My danger sensors are blaring “run, as fast as you can, in the opposite direction, and never look back!”
I would question the… I dunno… not values… not… brains… but… who says yes to a guy capable of this sort of manipulation?
Run the fuck away and don’t look back. Dude is bad news.
and burn down acres of forest
All these staged public proposals seem manipulative to me.
That is messed up.
Seriously. He couldn’t come up with a fictional cat in the tree or local kid gets world record story?
Eh. I do not think it is your old man bitterness here. This was an annoying way to propose. I can’t believe she said yes.
Srsly. Domestic violence is not a joke
Yeah, they could just as well have told her she was supposed to film a local interest story about a kitten stuck in a tree. I don’t get how nobody involved saw how inappropriate this was.
I must be extra-special frazzled today, because I skated right past the bit where all his buddies are cops.
Yes, as you say, made of red flags.
Feel like it may turn to a real domestic violence call if the girl friend said No.
Maybe she said yes out of safety?