World's worst proposal: staged kidnapping and violence leaves girlfriend hysterically sobbing (video)

Originally published at: Man's Abusive Proposal Method Leaves Girlfriend Hysterical - Boing Boing


Heidi Klum Wow GIF by Lifetime


the hunger games bear gif GIF


… and, of course, who knows if the whole thing isn’t fake, including the passenger’s reaction




Can I just say that while this is the most extreme version I’ve seen, it is a sort of a logical extension of the now fashionable man-ambushes-woman-in-public style of “proposal”. The idea of discussing whether or not to get married by suddenly demanding that your partner prove their love by dedicating the rest of their life to you without warning, in public, is appalling to me.


I used to think that proposing on a JumboTron at a sports event was the worst way to do it. I’m now rethinking that.


What the actual fuck?

That was real damage they just caused needlessly, both to the woman’s psyche and to the vehicle.

Major red flags for that relationship…


Their gender reveal is going to be lit…


this f**ker should get dropkicked into a volcano

Tough but fair.


I’m trying to decide whether the fact that the windows were actually smashed leans more toward “this is a real, terribly misguided proposal” or “this is totally staged For The Views”.

On the one hand, a dude dumb enough to think that this was a good way to propose might also be dumb enough to either (1) not think about the cost of replacing those windows or (2) think the cost of replacing the windows was worth it in the interest of making the kidnapping more convincing (and therefore making the proposal “better”).

On the other hand, it kind of seems like something an idiotic youtuber expecting to make money from The Views would do.


The actual video didn’t load for me so I didn’t see it but however many “friends” participated every single one of these stupid motherfuckers thought this was a good idea?!?!?!?

ETA - I hate having to consider if something is horribly stupid sexist or deliberately horribly stupid for the clicks. I guess one can always fall back on the latter when it blows up in one’s horribly sexist face? But I think that’s even worse?


I’m guessing these boneheads also thought this unique proposal would be “cool”.

Many many years ago before the dawn of the Internet and Social Media, I got a call from a friend who needed “help” on a “job”. “You’re gonna love this!” he said.

Seems he had a friend who worked at an Italian Restaurant and they had an advance reservation from Martin Scorsese. The owner had this bright idea of staging an argument with one of the waiters, lots of yelling, and then pulling out a prop gun and shooting him. Blood everywhere. While everyone else was eating. Not just Scorsese.

He thought it would be “cool”. I tried to explain how it was “not cool” but he just didn’t get it.


… adolescents, and people with adolescent mindsets, can fall prey to the following train of logical fallacies

  1. Things that make me laugh are good

  2. Things that make me nervous make me laugh

  3. Things that are totally fucked up make me nervous


Yeah even going all the way back to that Candid Camera shit and shows like Punk’d they always left me feeling ill.

Har har look at the people panicking because it looks like the floor caved away or the elevator they’re in is dropping! So funny! I know, let’s stage a gun massacre! That’ll punk ‘em!

This shit should be a prosecutable crime


This being the internet, my mind races with the possibilities - there’s the two obvious ones: this was a real proposal that traumatized someone, or the whole thing was staged and everyone was in on it, including the supposed girlfriend. But also it seems to me, there’s a third option: the girlfriend wasn’t in on it but it was done purely for the clicks and the perpetrator didn’t care if his girlfriend said ‘yes,’ and was, perhaps, even hoping this would cause a break up. Unless the whole thing was staged, and it didn’t look like it was (either she was genuinely traumatized or she’s a much, much better actor than these kinds of staged videos ever have) she needs to run, run away.

I was thinking of it as a red flag, but I wonder, when the red flags are this big, do they still qualify as “red flags”? Even if it was unintentional, he still traumatized her, so it feels less like a red flag and more “This event is a sign that he might emotionally abuse her… because he did.


I have doubts he went through the effort of finding a conflict-free diamond for the engagement ring.


Yeah. I just don’t get those. My TV has a number of digital channels via the manufacturer, and one of them is the Just for Laughs Gags channel. Apparently during the Just for Laughs Festival in Montréal they used to do hidden camera sketches. This channel shows them 24/7. Unfortunately, it is just one channel down from Euronews, to which I usually keep it tuned. Every time I accidentally change the channel I cringe.


Ill Allow It GIF
Feed him to Madame Pele, if She’ll have him, that is.


Oooh, I have a good one! Fake your own death, and then propose when they approach the casket, at the funeral.

What a dumbass.


“How about no” is spot on. I’m going to helpfully not embed the video this time.