Man gives "Moms for Liberty" a taste of their own medicine by reading from Bible at a school board meeting

I read the headline and thought, “Someone needs to give good dictionaries to all those poor saddos who have no idea what ‘liberty’ means.” I think they’d be rather surprised.

Yr Humble Narrator, OTOH wouldn’t be at all surprised were they to think a dictionary is a lesbian separatist group.


I’d like to know what gives “moms” some pretended special status or influence over the rest of us, anyway. I mean, if every woman who survives childbirth were celebrated and given any needed assistance during their childrens’ youth, that would be great! You know, having a community of caring for one another? Imagine what that would be like!

Being a mom doesn’t mean being given carte blanche to ride roughshod over liberties and our constitution.

I can’t understand why outside groups should have any influence at all over a community’s educational programs and libraries, unless they serve to smash fascism and other forms of discrimination.


And then get elected to higher office, or run out of office but by that point the damage has already been done. Local politics matters, folks.

Promoting liberty, by taking away your liberty!

Like Hacksaw Jim Duggan loudly declaring to The Bolsheviks that they aren’t allowed to sing the Soviet national anthem “because they are in the land of the free” without even a hint of irony.


Have Moms for Liberty ever talked to the rest of the libertarians? Their entire philosophy is basically “Geez, MOM, get out of my ROOM!” so I can imagine they’re having a hard time finding their niche.


The women to whom the group’s founding is attributed are mothers. If there’s anyone puppeteering them behind the scenes, that has yet to be revealed – as well as where their donations are coming from. But the figureheads are mothers and each chapter is likely to have a mother or two of school age children. It’s just funny to me that the now defunct chapter in my area was headed by a fitness-advocating grandpa and an ultra-conservative yet self-proclaimed libertarian father. Maybe failing the optics necessary for being Moms for Liberty was their downfall, aside from clearly not being something our county wanted.


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