Man in 1937 painting appears to be staring at a smartphone

I remember back in 2008 my friend was sticking to his old flip phone because it had an easily accessible flashlight. Still doesn’t seem that absurd to me.


Damned white people will steal anything.


Listening in on a conference call?

Purple Guy: “He said that he can use it to talk to people far away using clouds.”


The big butt papoose lady is obviously wrangling for an Instagram post…so get going Smartphone guy!

iPhone 5. Definitely.

no, that’s a compact manual typewriter, they were common in the '30s. everybody had them, One guy sent me a message that said “in the future we’ll be able to do this but without paper” Can you believe that?

That’s ridiculous! That is not a smartphone.

It’s obviously a Jeejah

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It’s a depiction of the founding of Springfield. The central figure, wearing a pink suit and Uggs, is Jebediah Springfield himself.


I don’t see a bear.


Seems to be painted from the perspective of the thousanders.

this kind of makes me want a phone that looks like a hand mirror with a handle so when I video chat people really think I’m nuts.


Not to mention Picasso’s Guernica Bull, which has clearly not yet been informed.

Its a bar of silver as the 3 giant bars of silver in the chest, used for trade alonh with those 3 jugs of firewater and a bath tub. Occams Razor

So this mural has been up since 1937 and despite the Native American booty and boobs…somehow civilization hasn’t ended?

No one let the evangelicals know.

You could start a bit larger and see how that goes.

“Twitter Twitter on the wall…”

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“Whos the tweetest of them all” …

trumpletweetskin has the big mirror phone already it was his morning ritual and the smart mirror always answered you trumpletweetskin you are the tweetest of them all ,until one day the mirror replied " there is now another , justin bieber he is the tweetest of them all "
and there is more to the story but i have have better things to do like discuss my dead goldfish with scam callers. it helps with the grieving process.

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I’ve been saying we are living in a Pynchonian ruptured timeline, but I didn’t realize it went this far back.

I figured out who the man in the 1937 painting is calling…


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