Originally published at: Man in Trump hat who threatened President Biden shot dead by FBI | Boing Boing
Seriously though, this is all on the GOP and their propaganda machine.
The man needed mental health support, not stochastic terror programming
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
It’s a little odd and concerning that nothing in the announcement explains why the FBI shot him, only why they sought to arrest him.
Normally they’d explicitly state that the agents acted in self defense after the suspect attacked them or threatened them with a gun or something, but there’s nothing to that effect in the article.
Provo, eh? Checks out.
But seriously, I’ll be interested to see what comes out about this in the future.
If it wasn’t actually a justified shooting then we could all be in for some nasty backlash. The last thing we need is to hand the far right another Ruby Ridge.
in the most passive voice possible. but yeah, unusually light in details
there’s a cnn article with slightly more about his previous behavior
FBI agents approached Robertson at his house in March about a social media post, investigators wrote in an affidavit. Robertson would not speak to the agents, saying, “I said it was a dream!” and “We’re done here! Don’t return without a warrant.”
spoiler because his previous threats were quite explicit
Robertson wrote: “Heading to New York to fulfill my dream of iradicating [sic] another…two-but political hach [sic] DAs.”
The post, cited in court documents, continued: “I want to stand over Bragg and put a nice hole in his forehead with my 9mm and watch him twitch as a drop of blood oozes from the hole as his life ebbs away to hell!!”
FAFO. Buh-bye.
It won’t matter. They already worship Ashely Babbitt, who was told 10 times not to enter the House chamber or be shot before she did so - and was shot.
It isn’t necessary to actually do something wrong to trigger backlash from people who just make issues out of pure bullshit.
Wow. I wonder what could have made him hate Biden so much.
I mean, other than Trump, MTG, Fox News, OANN, Breitbart, almost all of talk radio . . . .
Really makes ya think.
Of course the mad Trumper was a man and not a dog, and I don’t want to live in a society where extrajudicial killings are the norm, but this was one of those clear-and-present-danger situations and it’s nice to see the FBI actually do something about domestic terrorism.
I’m almost at the point now where I’d welcome these assholes trying another large, violent insurrectionist event. It would allow us to lance that MAGA boil once and for all.
Ruby Ridge helped radicalize a lot of people who weren’t already on board with the far-right bullshit though. It’s in all our interest to make sure law enforcement only uses deadly force when absolutely necessary. I hope this was one of those times.
IDK like trump running for office again?
Special agents were trying to serve a warrant on the home of Craig Deleeuw Robertson in Provo, south of Salt Lake City, when the shooting happened at 6:15 a.m., the FBI said in a statement.
Robertson was armed at the time of the shooting, according to two law enforcement sources who spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity to discuss details of an ongoing investigation.
Yah, it’s hard to imagine how threatening a 75yo man could really be to federal agents, unless he was actively shooting at them. Which, if that was the case, surely would be mentioned in all the coverage. “Massive shoot-out ensues with Trump supporter” or some such would be the headlines.
I’m glad this man is off the streets, but I’m not glad he’s dead. Nobody deserves to be shot dead for political beliefs, no matter how heinous.
Unless they are seriously threatening to harm someone else which sounds like the case here.
Some crazy can’t be hugged out…
Waco too. That debacle famously hardened Ted Kaczynski‘s resolve to do what he did. No doubt it quietly created a whole lot of other baby Kaczynskis out there too.
I suppose it could be argued that something was gonna harden people like him anyway. A postal worker denting a package or a DMV employee being rude to him would probably have done it. But still, no need to hasten the downward spiral if we can help it.
I know the most recent indictment is not exactly about Trump lying about the election (despite his best efforts to frame it that way), but you know, maybe it will turn out that there ought to be some kind of restriction on that kind of speech from the candidates… for the sake of national security. They can call it the “sore loser amendment.”