Man mad at noisy neighbors caught on camera allegedly squirting hazardous chemicals under their door (video)

Originally published at: Man mad at noisy neighbors caught on camera allegedly squirting hazardous chemicals under their door (video) | Boing Boing




When I was much younger and living in Toronto, the upstairs neighbour was always noisy. One Saturday she was blasting music, so loud it was like I was sitting next to her stereo. So in that spirit, I piled up some furniture, high enough so I could put my speakers right against my ceiling/her floor.

What to play?

I settled on the Velvet Underground’s “Sister Ray”. It was noisy (obviously) and had plenty of low-end to really seep into her unit. It’s also 19 minutes long so I figured one run-through would be enough. It was. Her music stopped and I heard her leave her apartment.

Passive-aggressive? Damn right.

I wish I could tell you that I fought the good fight, and my neighbour was quiet from then on. I wish I could tell you that – but apartment living is no fairy-tale world.


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