Plus, how many of the reported bear attacks were actually just a man in a costume?
Could the success of that novel be what inspired the Forest Service to update Smokey’s look?
Hard to say, but probably more than the number of reported man attacks that turned out to be a bear in a costume.
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can make this world seem right
Turns out he got the nickname from his habit of enjoying a post-coital cigarette.
Found randomly on the net while looking for something else;
Bearsplaing never happens.
I figured as much and is something my daughters say and I find it incredibly depressing. Also the eyes cast down you’re not there look. If that keeps folks safe, great. I still think the powerful head nod or something similar would be a good thing. Personal experience is that headphone wearing hikers/runners are oblivious and easily startled.
I wasn’t really talking about bears. It turns out men are far more dangerous. Personal experience is I have startled far more headphone wearing hikers/runners than bears. I hate being the startler, hence my position on headphones.
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