I really just can’t picture why people have much of an opinion on Target doing this one way or the other. The TOYS themselves won’t be any less (or more) gendered. It’s not like they’re going to stop stocking princess play sets or transformers…
It’s a horrible trend - won’t somebody think of the inanimate objects?
This is trolling. Who said it wasn’t? What difference does the label make?
It makes no difference at all. I’m just amused by the fact we normally look down on trolls (or anyone with the label) but we’re enjoying this because it’s people we don’t agree with…
Just keep following the arrows on the floor, people.
I used to work at a box store like you
until I took an arrow to the floor
I’m just amused by the fact we normally look down on trollies
Speak for yourself
Besides, I’d argue it has little do do with agreement. These people are being bone-headed, and are ripe for the picking. I don’t personally agree with them in the same sense that I don’t ‘agree’ with homeopaths. It’s a bit of a red herring.
This smells suspiciously like when people claim that berating racists is bad because everyone is entitled to their opinion. Ignorance isn’t a valid foundation for debate, it is however a brilliant foundation for ridicule.
Wow. People are getting so bent out of shape over a few signs and shelf labels. Of course some people get bent out of shape over anything which does not fit their notions of “right,” whether or not it actually applies to them.
Actually, I suspect that a lot of those people became hopelessly twisted a long time ago. Like the Munsters, who consider their normal-looking daughter to be ugly, these people consider themselves to be normal and balanced, and everyone else to be more or less abnormal.
Thanks for bringing this up. Even the editors here have talked about how these “shared jokes” or “pranks” that constitute “driving trollies” can in fact be highly problematic.
Punching Up vs. Punching Down is relevant here.
Though they might protest otherwise, punching at the Fox News Mob for their Offendedness is certainly punching up.
The problem with that is who gets to say which way you are punching. No-one thinks they are punching down, because everyone (neay everyone) believes that they are right, and the majority of people are idiots on one subject or another. The Fox-ites would class themselves as oppressed, I’m sure. The KKK probably would. Using the logic, they can both troll because they’re “punching up”.
Of course, they’re suffering from a gobsmacking ignorance of their actual power relative to others in society, so they’re just wrong.
It’s not a matter of opinion, really.
Asked by Flux Magazine in 1995 if Akbar and Jeff were gay, Groening responded,
“Here’s my standard reply: “Akbar and Jeff are either brothers or lovers — or both. Whatever offends you most, that’s what they are.” After a pause, he added, “Yeah, of course they’re gay!”
I got a Barbie the year I asked for a slot-car track and Atari. Guess who was rather disappoint on xmas day?
@akbar5656: Yay! Growing up, my favorite part of the week was getting my hands on a fresh copy of City Pages to read Life in Hell and Zippy the Pinhead.
[edited to fix spelling. thx, @codinghorror, ya friggin’ pedant.]
It fully came about way back (almost 20 years ago now) when I was a DJ I was one of the first ever to get away from records and start mixing live on a computer. I had a special fez that fit over my headphones. I didn’t want to be known as DJ Fez so I gave my computer tower its own fez. So logically I was Akbar and the computer was Jeff.
No doubt these same people are lamenting the inclusion of non-white dolls.
Maybe not, but they probably wouldn’t want their white babies playing with them…
They could have a separate (but equal!) aisle for those other toys.
I’m sure they’d like that, along with keeping gender segregation.
What a bunch of fascists.