Man sues parents for dumping his porn stash


It was a negotiated settlement. She got the house, furniture and car.


Parents should counter sue for moving and storage costs. 12 boxes of paper is hard on a 70yr old. I’m sure it was shiny high clay centent paper too.


Mine was several grocery bags of mags in a crop of trees, on the edge of a cotton field, Houston, Texas 1975. The world got a lot more freaky that day.

Side note: Stashing my portion of the loot in a shoe box under my bed was poor planning on the part of 1st grader me. I was busted before the sun set the same day.


Watching porn doesn’t need to be a solo activity. Dead bedrooms kill marriages not intimacy :cowboy_hat_face:


Came here for this. 66 points for you!


Right or wrong, aside; this is why you pack up your own shit and don’t rely upon anyone else to do it for you. Not even your parents.


Cripes…I really don’t want to be The Expert on this particular thread…

[sigh] My post-2008 ‘job’ has been dealing in second-hand junk, specifically, stuff from Dead Peoples’ Houses. Several different bosses have been ‘shot out from under me’, metaphorically speaking. Several times, we (the actual box openers-and-sorters) encountered HUGE stashes of porn - magazines/books, VHS cassettes, DVD’s, calendars, the works…although people want it, they won’t pay for it. The most recent boss and I just shrug and toss it into the big, roll-off dumpster, unlike the second-to-last boss, who made a fatal bid for giant, porny estate thinking it would make bank, but wound up in the red after the sale when she had to dumpster the entire house contents.


Wife thought his porn was substandard?

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I crawl Ebay for vintage textiles all the time. I do see listings for old porn but they don’t appear to sell for much- I think the last listing I saw was a bundle of 70’s playboys ending at around two dollars. I’ve also seen CD roms of old movies and pics priced at around 10 or 12 dollars.

It’s possible that there are other items fetching higher prices, but I don’t want to clog up my “searches” with stuff I don’t actually want :sweat_smile:.


Good thing they couldn’t take away his pornstache.

“Man” aged 40 sues parents for throwing away his porn? “Boy”/fuckwit/tantrum-throwing man-child would all seem to be better descriptors here.


So you’ve tapered off a bit?Say $25,000 in 2000, $23,000 in 2001…


When I was working odd jobs in college, my friends and I were hired by the out-of-state adult children of a recently deceased emeritus professor to clean up his old house and package and inventory the contents. He had several rooms walled with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves full of vintage erotica books, most of them black and white photography. I assume some of it was probably quite valuable and belonged in a museum, if there are museums for such things, but I couldn’t have told you which. Don’t worry, all was carefully boxed up for the movers, though whether the kids even knew about it I have no idea.

Something tells me the “gentleman” in this story was no art collector though. I don’t judge people’s lifestyle choices, but when someone obviously not rich spends the price of a new car on something available for free on the internet…well, I can’t imagine that helped the marriage.


Roger that!



I agree. But according to the article I read, the parents told him to not bring his porn and sex toys to their house. So he was on notice they might do something childish.


Yeah, I think I misread the situation originally. It seems like he was a stupid dick. (A real shocker, I know, given that we know he is suing his parents after they put him up as his divorce)


pornbb not withstanding, a lot of material was not originally intended to be free.


Maybe I’m wrong about this, but I’d be rather surprised if his motivation for hoarding hardcopy porn was an objection to digital piracy. …and I’ve officially thought more about the motives of Mr. Parent Suer than is worthwhile.


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