Originally published at: Man suing Walmart for $100M or "unlimited free lifetime shopping" - Boing Boing
Yeah that’s sure to go well.
It sounds like he very well might have a case (even if his damage demands are delusional), but he’s absolutely guaranteeing failure by acting as his own attorney while clearly having zero idea what he’s doing. His previous effort at a lawsuit got tossed at the start when he “failed to properly serve Walmart” - if he needs a do-over to manage even that (assuming he does manage it this time), I can’t imagine this attempt will get substantially further.
What a cheapskate. I mean, if he really thinks he’s owed tens of millions of dollars then why wouldn’t he get an attorney to help ensure he’s able to collect? If it was really a solid case then he wouldn’t have any trouble finding someone willing to work on commission.
That was my initial reaction, but racial profiling (and unjustified arrests) at stores (and Walmart in particular) are so common, and consequences so rare, that it wouldn’t surprise me if lawyers wouldn’t touch it on commission (and perhaps especially if he had delusional notions about the expected outcome).
Wow, that sent me down a rabbit hole. Controversy is nothing new here at BBS.
I’m curious what controversy you got from it? I was going to say I really enjoyed the read and don’t recall if I’d read it previously.
Having worked at Walmart myself around that same time period, I can say everything that man wrote in that piece is bullshit. So I’m guessing the comments section quickly turned into a shitshow.
… a weird anti-union hit piece against “professional handwringers such as Barbara Ehrenreich”
Pretty much what I expected. God, I forgot what the BoingBoing comment system looked like back then.
… back when the Reason Magazine faction of the Republican Party still had some vestigial influence over the debates of the moment
Mostly from the guest blogger’s other writings; there was a 4-part climate scepticism series. Plus what @smulder said about the anti-union stance of the Walmart piece.
ETA: The most interesting part was looking for old format commenters who are still present. I only recognized @Brainspore.
… the G.O.P. is still anti-union of course, but now their arguments are overtly paranoid and fascistic
It’s not about the Free Market™ anymore, it’s about how their enemies are all “groomers”
Climatic Heresy: 2 - Boing Boing
It’s the choice between $100M or unlimited shopping for life that I’m struggling with.
I mean, much as I love Wal-mart…
appreciate that union representation has secured higher wages for employees in some industries. But this of course gives these employees greater purchasing power, potentially driving up prices, and thus putting nonunionized workers at a disadvantage, since they too have to pay those prices. Therefore I see unions as the enemies of the non-unionized working poor.
No doubt union advocates would say that the answer is for all industries to be unionized. Unfortunately this merely increases wages universally without increasing productivity. Some companies may be able to afford it; others will suffer in a global economy. As at GM.
I continue to believe that the primary problem is lack of appropriate education.
… kind of quaint how they thought anybody gave a shit about their precious economic sophistry
Now the masks are off and “conservatives” just want to see people punished for existing
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