Man swims to work every day

It will get natty cold in Munich in winter though. Maybe for some time he might be able to switch to ice skates, but for all autumn and some of early winter and some early spring it will just be cold and not frozen stiff.

convicted is the question, Arlo.


I was thinking of a motor powered boat but good to know that the current is strong. Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

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Weeeellll maybe some of them.


I love the good ones. The rest can go jump in a lake.


Especially marinaded in a good sauce.

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I crossed the Arkansas River some years back in my shorts on a dare with a female friend of mine upstream of the confluence in Wichita. It only went to waist high, but I imagine it smelled a lot worse than this gentleman’s commute.


Good point! A Clackacraft Magnum Power Drifter would work well; drift with the current downstream & power back up!

Still, parking that downtown would be a PITA!

Land of the free huh?

And for the brave we have a special home at the police station.



I don’t like to swim to work but I do it for fun

Clearly you are filling different forms to the ones I fill out for work background checks or for US INS.

But thanks for “well, actually”ing me.

I stand by my point.

now you’ve moved the goalposts to INS? Thanks for standing under that bridge.

Stahp it. Staaaaaahp.


You stated that forms ask if you’ve been convicted not arrested and called me a name for supposedly exaggerating. I gave you concrete examples of where, on a regular basis, I am asked precisely whether or not I’ve been arrested and you accuse me of moving the goalposts?

You can fuck right off.

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I’d swim to work but the closest body of water to me is the Gowanus canal

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Well being arrested and going to jail is free, getting out isn’t.

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If only that were universally true


Oh so the Government is running a bit.

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