This guy came walking across the floor on a job site. A vacuum with a rag or paper towel on the end allows you to safely pick up bugs. We have a cordless one at the house for bug relocating.
We moved him outside to a pile of rocks, it was close to 4 inches long. You can see it’s beady little eyes on the rocks.
yeah, centipedes… we have big, tropical ones down here in FL. mum woke in bed to find one on her face. gross! call the bug company, those things are NASTY!
indeed, Dear Brother (the archeologist) was on a 3 month dig at Ur, in Iraq. freakin’ centipede stung him on the face in his sleep. whole face swollen horribly. spent 3 days in the nearest clinic getting that taken care of! he went back to the site (he was director).