Man walking around like he's in a video game hits an invisible wall

Originally published at: Man walking around like he's in a video game hits an invisible wall | Boing Boing


That’s quite good! The way he changes direction like someone mashing a thumbstick really sells it.


This is a very satisfying video.

The camera work is great too, and deserves kudos for the tracking.

It’s sometimes funny to see people unintentionally moving like video game avatars. In most episodes of Escape to the Country, a presenter enters each room in a house first, and two home buyers follow. They always cluster in the doorway when it’s time to move on to the next room - just like in The Sims.


For stadium concerts the security organizers corral people as cattle and will usually put an obstacle in front of a high flow exit to stop the cluster/bunching up effect… in domestic situations I think this is what cats a for.

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