Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/06/cats-drifting.html
Damn, I wanted to see if cat #1 made it through first.
DEFINITELY needed this today. Giggled over the soundtrack each time.
Read the room, Rob. We will need the cats for a chaser later tonight if we don’t have mass riots.
In our previous home, my mom’s cats had to make a sharp right to get to the food dishes. Failure resulted in crashing into the oven door.
Thank you, @beschizza, I definitely needed this at this exact moment.
Spot on. Damn good timing.
This is strangely relaxing.
This is how I drive in video games - full speed, oh, overshot my turn, I can still make it if I just break a bit and veer back in that direction…
Wait, cars in video games have brakes now? Wow, the future must have arrived when I wasn’t looking.
Um…Wipeout had brakes with the game’s PS 1 debut?
Unclear comment was a reflection of my own in-game driving habits.
Fair enough! I was quite guilty of going full-throttle no matter what back in the day (on some courses, it’s totally justified).
Defiantly too short. Needs Blues Brother’s sountrack.
Cat drifting occurs daily in my house with the tile floors. All you need to set them off is a knock at the door, or judicious use of the laser pointer. I should start recording these.
Anyway, good video.
Excellent choice of soundtrack!
We used to have more feline drift in this joint, but we got a long runner carpet so now it’s more like a launchpad/landing strip. There’s a big homemade cat tree up to the ceiling on one end, so there’s even takeoff
The largest of my four cats (a fluffy 15-pounder) is terrified of people for no apparent reason, so when someone knocks on the door or comes into the house, he flees. One day, a house guest surprised him when he was lying in the bathroom sink. He leaped out, landed on the tile floor, and ran sideways in place for fifteen seconds before he got enough traction to disappear. I really wish I’d had a camera.
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